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Can't update description in foreign language.

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Hello everyone!


I'm writing because i'm having some problems using the CSV import in prestashop.


First of all I must say that I'm from Spain, I dunno if this may be part of the problem in this case.


My database is all in Spanish and in some products the ENGLISH version of the Short Description as well as the Description is fully in Spanish. I'm trying hard to traslate it using the CSV import application but I can't.


I've chosen ENGLISH (United States) as the file language, I've tried forcing and not forcing the IDs which i know for sure they belong, indeed, to their corresponding products. I've also tried using the Reference # as the Primary Key.


I've even tried changing the default language in my front office. Nothing works.


I'd appreciate if you helped me.


Thanks a lot. This is such a nice forum.

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