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Error 503 problem

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sometimes this can be a result (I say sometimes) by running native PrestaShop Geolocation and the IP  and/or country is restricted and the geolocation behavior is set to disallow seeing catalog.  The native PrestaShop will present a 503 overloaded screen typically with  shop logo, not just a white page with 503 overloaded.

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i have choose all enable

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Βελτιστοποίηση Apache

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  • 1 year later...


I have the same problem, 503 overloaded (cannot access store from your country)
My geoip is restricted for a few countries. (not restricted for USA)
I have US based customers sending me a screenshot that they can't access my website.

Please help.

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  • 7 months later...


after setting IP geolocalization on, I get the 503 error

The specific behaviour for restricted countries is that visitors cannot see the catalog

Should I change something?



is there a reason you are using Geo Location?  Most often it's used to restrict certain countries from viewing or shopping on your ecommerce shop. 

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My website is located in Italy and has primary language Italian and second language English. I was noticing that visitors abroad often visit Italian pages. I was assuming that gelocalization was not working properly and then tried to set it via IP.

Is that the wrong choice?


Really I'd not use Geo Location unless you enhance feature with 'my' module:

[Module] PrestaShop Geo Pricing - Geo Target 'Specific Prices' by Country


The primary reason to use module is that 'unresolved' IP's in a native environement will either disallow shopping or view depending on behavior set in Geo Location.  With this module you can set default country for 'unresolved' IP's, thus they can  shop.  This is popular with my Italian customers because there is a high rate of unresolved IP's.  But even bests estimates by MaxMinf (GeoLiteCity.dat maker), the data is only 85% reliable.


For you particular question though, in localization-->localization-->(depending on your ps version), PS does basic browse language check, i.e. if browser english is should set shop languagae to english, or other shop language(s)....


For more complex language detect see:

[Module] Visitor Language | Currency Detect PRO


I hope you find this information useful, happy day el

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