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Accessories Tab in products only showing 6 products

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I'm getting crazy with this little problem. I am working in a new store, running in local, Prestashop version


All of my products have a lot of accessories (more than six). From products-associations I asign the accessories typing in the box, no problem to add any number of accessories, but then when I check the product file in the front office only 6 are shown. (all of my products have stock, by the way). 


I need to show all of them, not only 6, for some products can be around 20 accessories....


I have tried to find why only six, without any success,I have not find where to change this value, nor in preferences, neither in products.tpl .... Any help will be welcome.


Thanks in advance.


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I have got the same problem. I know the solution to this problem, but I can not find where to make changes.


The problem is that the size Set clear height for div:


<div class="bx-viewport" style="width: 100%; overflow: hidden; position: relative; height: 267px;">


at the product.tpl no indication of this div.


Please help to find the solution of this problem.


Thank you.

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Displays all the products, but height is specified for div "bx-viewport" which equals 267 pixels, where i can change it, i can't find.


There is the part of code, which generated at the client side:


<div class="block_content">

<div class="bx-wrapper" style="max-width: 1168px; margin: 0px auto;"><div class="bx-viewport" style="width: 100%; overflow: hidden; position: relative; height: 267px;">


If i delete parameter height: 267px with google chrome code viewer, all of products is displayed.


For an example, look at my site: http://kfl.kz/plitka-atem/9-plitka-atem-mono.html

It's in Russian, but it doesn't matter i hope :)

Edited by Cranber (see edit history)
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Try to open yourtheme/js/product.js and find this:

if (!!$.prototype.bxSlider)
            minSlides: 1,
            maxSlides: 6,
            slideWidth: 178,
            slideMargin: 20,
            pager: false,
            nextText: '',
            prevText: '',
            hideControlOnEnd: true

Put some text in nextText: and prevText and see if you got that text on your site. It should work as carousel.

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Yes, it works like as carousel, you can see it at link i was post earlier.


This decision of course, thank you. But I want to see all products on the page, please advise how to implement it in this case?

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Thank you! It displayed without margin, if someone, in the future who read this, will need padding just add to parameter <li> margins, like this:


<li class="item product-box ajax_block_product{if $smarty.foreach.accessories_list.first} first_item{elseif $smarty.foreach.accessories_list.last} last_item{else} item{/if} product_accessories_description"  style="float: left; list-style: none; position: relative; margin-right: 20px; margin-top:20px; width: 175px;">


or is there another more elegant solution?


here is an example: http://kfl.kz/plitka-atem/9-plitka-atem-mono.html

Edited by Cranber (see edit history)
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  On 6/7/2014 at 2:13 PM, dioniz said:

Change <ul id="bxslider" class="bxslider clearfix"> in product.tpl to something else like

<ul id="myaccessories" class="clearfix">

Hi Dioni, thank you very much ... it works!!

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