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Email Notification to Employees for Order Status Changes

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Hey, I was wondering if there is any way to set up PS 1.5.5 to send email notifications to certain employee groups (i.e Salesman or Logistician) when the order status is changed to certain new statuses.


For example, I want all employees that have a profile of type "Salesman" to receive an email when an order is placed, and then when the Salesman changes the order status to "Preparation in Progress" I want it to send an email to all employees that have a profile of type "Accounting", and then when Accounting changes the status to "Payment Confirmed" I want it to send an email to all employees that have a profile of type "Warehouse".


Is there a native way of doing this in presashop 1.5.5? If not, are there any good modules that can do this that you would recommend?

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