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The Short decription of products ignore the format in the product list

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Hello again!


When I add a short description for a product within the backoffice and I add a second line or second paragraph this paragraph gets completly ignored by the product list in the frontend... 




in the backoffice I edit the short description to:


"Hello world!

 It is a nice day today


 thx for smiling"


in the front office it turns out to look like this in the product-list or the search-result-list or the products-of-one-category-list it looks like this:


"Hello world!It is a nice day today thx for smiling"


Since the product editor doesn't allow for viewing the code (or editing the code) I am at a loss here, but the short description has to be three lines in our case...


The page code in the frontend doesn't show any <p> or <br> tags so I guess it's stripped out by some function somewhere.


How to fix this?


thx for any help,



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thx for your hints.


No. I have not used the source tag. How should I use the source tag?


But even if I was able to use tinymc to edit the source code, I don't think there is a solution to my problem:


On the single product page lińe breaks and paragraphs in the short desciption are recognized and used by PS.

On every list page the same line breaks and paragraphs in the short description are not recognized by PS.


What causes this different behaviour and how can I make sure short desciprions are shown as edited.



thx, piedro

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  • 1 month later...

Hello again!


It's been a while but now I changed the content of the files for tinymce exactly like this articicle suggests:




The sad thing is that now I do not have any editor buttons anymore... there are only textboxes with source code within...

But still the display of the short description ignores <p> or <br> tags completely, also nonbreaking spaces... also <h2> tags - it seems that all html markup is removed from the short description in the product list.


What I found is that the short desciptions within the product lists are embedded as links:


<a title="Product xy test decription" href="http://www.example.com/product-xy">
   test desciption




within the <a> tag all html tags get removed which leads to unformatted text...


- How can I fix this?

- how can I repair the tiny mc editor which seems not to be present within the backend anymore (on PS-


thx for your help,


Edited by piku (see edit history)
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It turned out the missing TinyMCE buttons reappeared after cleaning browser and site caches...


Still the shortdescriptions in the product lists are embedded in <a> tags and stripped of all html code... 



Edited by piku (see edit history)
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I guess I found the culprit  in the file product-list.tpl:


<p class="product_desc"><a href="{$product.link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$product.description_short|strip_tags:'UTF-8'|truncate:360:'...'}" >{$product.description_short|strip_tags:'UTF-8'|truncate:360:'...'}</a></p>

In here it says "strip_tags" - how do I have to change this to keep the tags intact?




I found the solution :-)!


here: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/152636-solved-product-list-short-description/


thx _matis_!


I think this can be marked solved!


thx for reading everybody,



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