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[Resolved] - Two PrestaShop sites, one database - possible?

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My client has asked me to set up a second PrestaShop webstore using a different URL. He wants to sell a different line of products and completely separate them from his original store. But he wants his customer account information to work across both sites, so when a user purchases from one store they don't need to create an account in the second store.


Is this kind of thing possible?


For example:


Denise logs in to Shop 1 and sees products A, B, and C. She adds product C to her cart. She clicks the link to go to the Shop 2 and is already logged in there. She sees products D, E, and F, but not the others. She adds product D to her cart and sees that Product C is listed as well. She purchases both products and gets a single invoice and a single shipping charge.

Edited by Dagorlad (see edit history)
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