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No carriers available for the address "My address". V1.5.6

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I am getting this error message on checkout. I have looked for 3 hours on this forum to find an answer. All I can find is solutions for older versions that DO NOT work for 1.5. I am attempting to use FedEx as the carrier. I have Connect to Fedex V 1.6. I have checked the setting over many times and can't find anything wrong.


Please, if any one can help me fix this for V1.5.6, I would appreciate it!

Thank you in advance


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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

This message is displayed when there are no carriers assigned to a zone at which your selected country resides. Please note that in PS, you have to select Zones for which the carrier will be available. And you have to make sure that the country for which you provides shipping are in those zones.

Lets say you have two carriers A and B and also consider Pakistan, which is in Asia. Now, if no carrier has Asia zone, then for Pakistan, you will get that message.

Now if you have assigned carrier A to Asia zone , then only A will be displayed to Pakistan.

And if you have assigned carrier A and B both to Asia zone, then for Pakistan, both will be shown.

I hope this will help.

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I have set-up USPS and my own "standarg ground shipping" , one set fo North America zone another for ALL. and group acceess selected for all. 

for check out i tried USA addresses, and get the error messege. also had a friend try on his computer he gets same error. 

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  • 4 months later...

I have assigned USPS to North America Zone. Still I cannot select that carrier. Watch the video of my trouble on google drive video link https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B90oy9k3Axj0OUV3T3BkQW1VTjg/view?usp=sharing The product in the order has all shipping methods defined to it.

Edited by Denver Prophit Jr. (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Pente14,


- Go to each carrier, edit it, and make sure its price range / weight range is correct.

- Go to each product in admin > Edit > Shipping, making sure that, or NO CARRIER is selected, or at least these 3 carriers are selected.

- If you enable Warehouses, you also have to edit each warehouse and make sure these carriers are assigned to the warehouses.


Hope that helps!


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