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Search bar

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Hello, I am trying to use the search bar in the top menu, however it does not have a button or at least the word "search" inside of the bar to let customers know it is a search bar.

I am attaching an image of my top menu, is this normal? Or did I messed something up?

If it is normal is there something that can be done to add a search button or at least the word "search" inside the bar? Thank you.


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Hello Paul, thank you for the help I appreciate it, I did try doing what you suggest however I got this error ...

"Warning! Your hosting provider is using the Suhosin patch for PHP, which limits the maximum number of fields allowed in a form: 1000 for suhosin.post.max_vars.
1000 for suhosin.request.max_vars.
Please ask your hosting provider to increase the Suhosin limit to 1941 at least, or you will have to edit the translation files."

I have no idea what Suhosin is, I will see what my hosting company says about it.

Let me ask you I was looking at your result image and I see the text in the search bar above the top menu, I want the text inside the top menu search field, I am posting an image of the results I would like, something along those lines or maybe a search button something that indicates that the rectangle at the end of the top menu is a search engine. Thank you once more.





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for resolve translation error you or your support needs to change next settings (example for .htaccess file):

php_value post_max_size "32M"
php_value max_input_vars 5000

there is the similar topic: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/332333-solved-max-input-vars-1000-problems-in-translation-of-forms/?do=findComment&comment=1681399



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Thank you Alex, that fixed the issue with the error. I am still to find how to label the search box tho since the instructions that Paulito gave is not for the bar inside the top menu. Anyone has another suggestion? Thank you. 

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Open yourtheme/modules/blocktopmenu/blocktopmenu.tpl and find this line:

<input type="text" name="search_query" value="{if isset($smarty.get.search_query)}{$smarty.get.search_query|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}" />

Change to:

<input type="text" placeholder="Yourtexthere" name="search_query" value="{if isset($smarty.get.search_query)}{$smarty.get.search_query|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}" />

This will give you search text in a search box.

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