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Customer emails not sending

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I am having issues with Prestashop sending customer emails such as order updates and requests for payments. It will send all the merchant emails to me just fine like order notifications and customer service requests.

My store is on a temporary IP address while I finish it and I set up two customer accounts under two gmail addresses I have. I entered orders and sent a request for paypal payment and tried updating order status and tracking number info. and nothing came...

I got the order notifications and also the test emails from the ADV Parameters/Email set up.

I set up on PHP and SMTP and either has the same issue, merchant emails ok customer emails nothing.


Any thoughts?

PrestaShop version:

Mail method: You are using the PHP mail function.

Current theme in use: default-bootstrap

Server software version: Apache

PHP version: 5.4.28

Hosted with Bluehost.com




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Just a quick update.

I also tried the lost password feature at sign in and did not receive that email and the Customer Follow up module says it sent me an email about a test cart I had but I did not get that either.

I then tried the test email for merchant notifications under Advanced Parameters->Email and got that right away.

This is very frustrating

"Customer follow-up" module
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