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Top Menu changes to categories when resized

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Hello all, I am having a small problem hoping someone can tell me how to fix it, when I change the size of the window of my browser if I make it too narrow at some point it changes from top menu to just categories, once in categories if I try to open categories with the "+" it won't open :( thank you for the help in advance.



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I think I find the answer to part of my question, it has to do with @media Rule I understand that part now however why when it changes to categories I can't open that menu? I think it might be disabled, I just get so lost with so many settings, could someone point me where should I check? Thank you.

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Wow no one knows? I just need to know why when the window is re-sized smaller like in a phone and the top menu changes to just categories it does not work it does not fly out the different categories it just stays in the categories menu. Hope someone can help, thank you.

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