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( Changing country address format

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Hi there.


I've been getting errors when trying to change a country's address format




Normally the Country field should be Country:name


Even if I use the default format (second button) and save, it stays the same when I check it again.


Did this happened to anyone here?



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Is strange, im seeing that in the BO the options to add for country are:





Have you changed something on classes or country controllers?, if yes, try to restore the original files, also check if exists in override and delete or rename and try again.

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Have you changed something on classes or country controllers?, if yes, try to restore the original files, also check if exists in override and delete or rename and try again.


I've not yet changed any file. I also restored a database backup from 13 days ago but since the problem's still there, I think it happened before that.


My first guess was faulty templates, so I've restored the default theme (I used Electronsmart before that)


I've only noticed this because there's a field missing (id_country) when I try to fill an address on the frontend.


I have also noticed there's parameters missing on Configuration Information (I don't know if it's related or not)



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