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Add default category class ID to product page body

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Looking for a solution to add the default product category id class to the body id of each product.


i.e. <body id="product" class="cat?"> "cat?" being the default category id of the product.


Code snippet and solution would be great if anyone out there can help..?


Kind regards


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Did a similar form this post: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/285562-custom-class-for-body-depending-on-category/


as below.. seemed to work great..


Within CategoryController.php's initContent() function you can add something like:


'parent_category_chain' => $this->category->getParentsCategories(), 


to the "$this->context->smarty->assign(array(" smarty assignment.


Then in your header.tpl you can use a foreach loop to only add a category id number where the level_depth of categories is equal to 2 (which would all have a parent category of "home" respectively).


<body {if $page_name}id="{$page_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"{/if}{if $category->id}{if $category->level_depth eq 2} class="cat{$category->id}"{elseif $category->level_depth > 2}{foreach $parent_category_chain as $parent_category_node}{if $parent_category_node.level_depth eq 2} class="cat{$parent_category_node.id_category}"{/if}{/foreach}{/if}{/if}>

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  • 2 years later...

Hello not working on Presta in product page but working on category page...


hello litle edit so  =


Where to Buy / Eastern Europe /Russia > Edinorog LLC



What i want is the first category after home. In categoryit's working i kann see my default with:

            {foreach $parent_category_chain as $parent_category_node}
                {if $parent_category_node.level_depth eq 2}
                {assign var=wheretobuy value=$parent_category_node.id_category}

i try with a different value on level_depth but....

Edited by Tatort (see edit history)
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