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PS 1.6 deafult theme newsletter fill box color

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I would like to change the fill color of the newsletter box for the default theme of PS 1.6. However, I think that type of option is hard coded within the theme html. Is possible to change the color?


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I have opened the blocknewsletter.css on Notepad++ program. Two questions:


Can you direct to which line I am able to change the color for the fill?


Can you tell me if its possible to remove or edit the characters "News Letter" if so what line?


I was able to change the bar color from gray to black from the theme schemes colors:


click on " My Shop" at the top right hand corner on your admin page. You will see a gear icon the left side click on it and you will be able to configure the color schemes for the theme.

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The characters I don't know where you are able to change them, but to change the color you need to change the following code:

    #footer #newsletter_block_left .form-group .form-control {
      height: 45px;
      line-height: 30px;
      max-width: 267px;
      background: #100b34;
      border-color: white;
      color: white;

These 3 colors are respectively background, border and text color.

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I edited line 50: background color to whatever color I wanted. I saved the css and uploaded it back to its respective folder. However, it did not change the background. I'm think there is a line of text that enables transparency giving the reason why it doesn't change background color. Would you have any thoughts?

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