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How to set Minimum Purchase Quantity when using Product Combinations

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I'm new to PrestaShop and am trying to set up my Print Store online.


I want to sell flyers with different attributes like folding and paper quality. I have added all the attributes and generated the Combinations. It's all working properly. 


My problem is that I want the customer to buy at least 100 flyers, so the minimum purchase quantity should be 100. But it's now showing up as 1. I do not want the customer to be able to order 1 flyer.


Before I set up the Combinations, there was an option to put Minimum Quantity, but after generating the Combinations, I can't find any way to put a Minimum Quantity for the flyers.


Also, is there any way to have the quantities be increased only in increments of 100 instead of 1. For eg., I would not want anyone to order 103 flyers, the next increment after 100 should be 200, then 300 and so on.


Thanks in advance for all the help!!



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i think you msut do like this

1°) create normal product for 1 flyer but dont activate it ( pehraps create declinaison for paper/color etc...)

2°) create a pack product for 100 flyesr and activate it and create declinaisons for the paper/color  etc...


then the user by 1X100 flyers 2X100 3X100 etc ... and he dont see the product normal od  1flyer 





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