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Consolidated EOD Report Required

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We run an Online Grocery and are currently grappling with the EOD Consolidated Report.


For eg:  x kilos of item A, y Dozens of Item B etc etc


A EOD consolidated report is required for Items to be Purchased/Procured next day from the markets and then delivered to the customers.


At the moment manual compilation of all orders with MS Excel is proving to be quite cumbersome as well as error prone.


A sample report currently being used is attached for reference


Please suggest a workaround or a Module/Plug-in available with PrestaShop for the same


Best Regards,






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Would you need this report executed and emailed somewhere?  Or can the merchant log into the back office, enter a date and then click a button to generate the report?


Could you explain what the columns are in the report?

1) SR No: Is this just an incrementing number that starts at 1 each night?

2) Products: I assume this is the product name?

3) Description: Is this the product short or long description?  Or is this something else?

4) Total: I assume this is the total quantity ordered?

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Response for each of the items interleaved below:


1) SR No: Is this just an incrementing number that starts at 1 each night?

Response: The nos are just Alphabetically arranged for all items ordered on the Portal during a 24 hour time slot.


2) Products: I assume this is the product name?

Response: Correct


3) Description: Is this the product short or long description?  Or is this something else?

Response: This is not the short or long description rather the Quanity defined for each SKU on the Portal for eg Onion is defined in a 1Kg Pack, Tomato as 500 gms , Apples as 3 PCS etc. The Description could be in Terms of Kilos, Pieces, Dozens, Packets etc for different SKU's 


4) Total: I assume this is the total quantity ordered?

Response: Correct , the Total column is the Total no of items/quantity ordered for an individual SKU For eg: if Prod 1 is ordered by Customer 1 for 2 Units and same Prod 1 is ordered say by Customer 7 for 5 units during a 24 hour slot then the EOD report should mention the procurement or Total for Prod 1 as 7 units


Hope this helps.


Please do let me know if any other information is desired.




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1) SR No: Is this just an incrementing number that starts at 1 each night?

Response: The nos are just Alphabetically arranged for all items ordered on the Portal during a 24 hour time slot.

The PDF sample you provided shows these are numbers 1 through 41.  So you are saying the product names are being arranged alphabetically, and then the SR No is assigned starting at 1?



3) Description: Is this the product short or long description?  Or is this something else?

Response: This is not the short or long description rather the Quanity defined for each SKU on the Portal for eg Onion is defined in a 1Kg Pack, Tomato as 500 gms , Apples as 3 PCS etc. The Description could be in Terms of Kilos, Pieces, Dozens, Packets etc for different SKU's 


I do not understand what this means


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Correct for Point 1


For Point 3:


Please refer the attached PDF for Manual calculations of Quantity per item procured daily.


There we have shown Items/Products ordered by customers From Order No 366 to Order No 371.


Eg for Sr No 28


Customer with Order No 366 has ordered 1Kg of Potato


Customer with Order No 368 has ordered 2Kg of Potato.


So this report generated at EOD, lets us know that the Total Quantity of Product Potato to be Purchased for the next day shipment is 3 KGS overall 


Same Logic applies for Item No 31 i.e Tomato as well as for all the other Items/Products as well.


If there are still any details required please inbox us your Contact no and we shall call you at a time convenient to you




Presta_Sample Report.pdfFetching info...

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