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Error creating orders with webservice

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I'm trying to create a new order with a PHP script using the webservice. 


Firts I check for the products, then i add the customer if not exists, add his address and create the cart without problems. 


The problems comes when i'm trying to create the order. 


The debuger returns me the following error. 


HTTP XML response is not parsable: array ( 0 => LibXMLError::__set_state(array( 'level' => 3, 'code' => 4, 'column' => 1, 'message' => 'Start tag expected, \'<\' not found ', 'file' => '', 'line' => 1, )), )


and I'm doing it In the same way in which I am inserting carts. 


¿Anyone can help me to fix it? 


Thanks in advance. 

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