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Changes not applied

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I have a very strange problem.


Everything on my site worked fine for months, but the last few days, the changes I added to my site, sometimes work, sometimes not. Let me explain: if I change the description of a product, this can work, but sometimes it does not work, it show me the message "updated successfully" but on the same page I see that the description is returned to the old and has not changed.
Another example, when I get a message on my shop and I reply to the message, sometimes it is still  stated above that there is an unprocessed message.
You have an idea of ​​where it may come?



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  • 2 weeks later...

The problem is happening again this morning, when I edite a product description, changes are not applied in the front-end, I activated the debut mode, here is the output, do you see any problem ?

Load time: 276ms
Good boy! That's what I call a webserver!

    config: 90ms
    constructor: 0ms
    init: 17ms
    checkAccess: 0ms
    setMedia: 7ms
    postProcess: 1ms
    initHeader: 4ms
    initContent: 149ms
    initFooter: 0ms
    display: 8ms

Hook processing: 13ms / 2.36 Mb
5 methods called in 5 modules

    displayBackOfficeHeader: 8ms / 1.4 Mb
    actionAdminControllerSetMedia: 4ms / 0.95 Mb
    moduleRoutes: 0ms / 0 Mb
    actionAdminProductsFormModifier: 0ms / 0 Mb
    displayBackOfficeFooter: 0ms / 0 Mb
    actionDispatcher: 0ms / 0 Mb
    displayBackOfficeTop: 0ms / 0 Mb

Memory peak usage: 26.2 Mb

    config: 15.28 Mb (17 Mb)
    constructor: 0 Mb (17 Mb)
    init: 3.14 Mb (18.6 Mb)
    checkAccess: 0 Mb (18.6 Mb)
    setMedia: 1.28 Mb (19.9 Mb)
    postProcess: 0 Mb (19.9 Mb)
    initHeader: 0.52 Mb (20.4 Mb)
    initContent: 5.03 Mb (25.5 Mb)
    initFooter: 0.01 Mb (25.5 Mb)
    display: 0.66 Mb (26.2 Mb)

Total cache size (in Cache class): 0.43 Mb
DB type: DbPDO
SQL Queries: 11 queries
Time spent querying: 4ms
Included files: 100
Size of included files: 2.38 Mb
Globals (> 1 Ko only): 1267 Ko

    _LANGADM ≈ 1200.6 Ko
    _MODULES ≈ 50.9 Ko
    _SERVER ≈ 7.7 Ko
    _COOKIE ≈ 1.7 Ko
    _GET ≈ 1.5 Ko
    _REQUEST ≈ 1.3 Ko

    Go to Stopwatch
    Go to Doubles
    Go to Tables
    Go to ObjectModels
    Display queries table
    Go to files

Stopwatch (with SQL_NO_CACHE) (total = 11)
1.319 ms SELECT `id_hook`, `name` FROM `ps_hook` UNION SELECT `id_hook`, ha.`alias` as name FROM `ps_hook_alias` ha INNER JOIN `ps_hook` h ON ha.name = h.name
in /classes/Hook.php:131
0 rows browsed
1.004 ms SELECT c.`name`, cl.`id_lang`, IF(cl.`id_lang` IS NULL, c.`value`, cl.`value`) AS value, c.id_shop_group, c.id_shop FROM `ps_configuration` c LEFT JOIN `ps_configuration_lang` cl ON (c.`id_configuration` = cl.`id_configuration`)
in /classes/Configuration.php:118
455 rows browsed
0.336 ms SELECT value FROM ps_configuration WHERE name= 'PS_CACHEFS_DIRECTORY_DEPTH' LIMIT 1
in /classes/cache/CacheFs.php:36
1 row browsed
0.303 ms SELECT * FROM `ps_product` a LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.id_product = c.id_product AND c.id_shop = 1 WHERE (a.id_product = 67) LIMIT 1
in /classes/ObjectModel.php:212
1 row browsed
0.234 ms SELECT id_tab, class_name FROM `ps_tab`
in /classes/Tab.php:287
102 rows browsed
0.217 ms SELECT * FROM `ps_product_lang` WHERE `id_product` = 67 AND `id_shop` = 1
in /classes/ObjectModel.php:219
2 rows browsed
0.213 ms SELECT t.`id_lang`, t.`name` FROM ps_tag t LEFT JOIN ps_product_tag pt ON (pt.id_tag = t.id_tag) WHERE pt.`id_product`=67
in /classes/Tag.php:166
1 row browsed
0.194 ms SELECT DISTINCT pl.name as name FROM `ps_product_lang` pl WHERE (pl.id_product = 0) AND (pl.id_lang = 1 AND pl.id_shop = 1 ) LIMIT 1
in /classes/Product.php:5251
0 rows browsed
0.174 ms SELECT * FROM `ps_hook_module_exceptions` WHERE `id_shop` IN (1)
in /classes/module/Module.php:1717
0 rows browsed
0.157 ms SELECT cl.`link_rewrite` FROM `ps_category_lang` cl WHERE `id_lang` = 0 AND cl.id_shop = 1 AND cl.`id_category` = 18 LIMIT 1
in /classes/Category.php:904
0 rows browsed
0.157 ms SELECT cl.`link_rewrite` FROM `ps_category_lang` cl WHERE `id_lang` = 0 AND cl.id_shop = 1 AND cl.`id_category` = 18 LIMIT 1
in /classes/Category.php:904
0 rows browsed
Tables stress
2 configuration2 product_lang2 product_shop2 hook1 product_tag1 tag1 category_lang1 hook_module_exceptions1 configuration_lang1 tab1 hook_alias1 product
ObjectModel instances
2 ShopGroup2 Country1 Category1 ProductDownload1 Product1 Currency1 Tab1 Theme1 Employee1 Language1 Shop
Included files
1 admin6547/index.php
2 config/config.inc.php
3 config/defines.inc.php
4 config/settings.inc.php
5 config/autoload.php
6 config/alias.php
7 classes/PrestaShopAutoload.php
8 cache/class_index.php
9 tools/profiling/Controller.php
10 classes/controller/Controller.php
11 tools/profiling/ObjectModel.php
12 classes/ObjectModel.php
13 tools/profiling/Hook.php
14 classes/Hook.php
15 tools/profiling/Db.php
16 classes/db/Db.php
17 tools/profiling/Tools.php
18 classes/Tools.php
19 classes/Context.php
20 classes/shop/Shop.php
21 config/db_slave_server.inc.php
22 classes/db/DbPDO.php
23 classes/cache/Cache.php
24 classes/cache/CacheFs.php
25 classes/Validate.php
26 classes/db/DbQuery.php
27 classes/Theme.php
28 config/defines_uri.inc.php
29 classes/Configuration.php
30 classes/Language.php
31 classes/Country.php
32 classes/PrestaShopCollection.php
33 classes/Cookie.php
34 classes/Rijndael.php
35 classes/Employee.php
36 classes/Link.php
37 classes/shop/ShopUrl.php
38 config/smarty.config.inc.php
39 tools/smarty/Smarty.class.php
40 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_data.php
41 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php
42 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php
43 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_resource.php
44 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_resource_file.php
45 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_cacheresource.php
46 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_cacheresource_file.php
47 config/smartyadmin.config.inc.php
48 admin6547/functions.php
49 ./images.inc.php
50 classes/Dispatcher.php
51 classes/Group.php
52 tools/mobile_Detect/Mobile_Detect.php
53 classes/Tab.php
54 controllers/admin/AdminProductsController.php
55 classes/controller/AdminController.php
56 classes/Translate.php
57 translations/fr/admin.php
58 classes/Profile.php
59 classes/Currency.php
60 classes/Category.php
61 classes/stock/StockAvailable.php
62 classes/shop/ShopGroup.php
63 classes/module/Module.php
64 modules/themeconfigurator/themeconfigurator.php
65 themes/modelisme_ma_theme/modules/themeconfigurator/translations/fr.php
66 modules/themeconfigurator/translations/fr.php
67 classes/Media.php
68 modules/dashactivity/dashactivity.php
69 modules/dashtrends/dashtrends.php
70 modules/dashgoals/dashgoals.php
71 themes/modelisme_ma_theme/modules/dashgoals/translations/fr.php
72 modules/dashgoals/translations/fr.php
73 modules/graphnvd3/graphnvd3.php
74 classes/module/ModuleGraphEngine.php
75 themes/modelisme_ma_theme/modules/graphnvd3/translations/fr.php
76 modules/graphnvd3/translations/fr.php
77 classes/QuickAccess.php
78 classes/helper/Helper.php
79 classes/Product.php
80 classes/webservice/WebserviceRequest.php
81 classes/Pack.php
82 classes/Combination.php
83 classes/ProductDownload.php
84 classes/Image.php
85 classes/ImageType.php
86 classes/Tag.php
87 cache/smarty/compile/9b/7c/8b/9b7c8bfb007f1c8484baf716ccd544d656eb545f.file.informations.tpl.php
88 cache/smarty/compile/4b/33/72/4b337214e3b0141637fee0c837647b696db03f95.file.check_fields.tpl.php
89 cache/smarty/compile/fc/a8/a1/fca8a11da4528c918c0730106eab57aeaa0148e1.file.input_text_lang.tpl.php
90 cache/smarty/compile/2b/33/ed/2b33ed9cc03369d68853b07812bc2a0dcc376bfa.file.checkbox.tpl.php
91 cache/smarty/compile/de/a9/14/dea914d2fdc7b78cab1406e9d3364f6a893cfb76.file.textarea_lang.tpl.php
92 classes/helper/HelperForm.php
93 cache/smarty/compile/a7/ae/fa/a7aefa661abc004b776d0685e16a6e1652b270fa.file.form.tpl.php
94 cache/smarty/compile/c2/25/06/c2250667d97705cf24d837557c4baca4ccc1c433.file.content.tpl.php
95 cache/smarty/compile/00/7f/74/007f74fb2ab04786f2def43b343bef5ac8af31d2.file.page_header_toolbar.tpl.php
96 cache/smarty/compile/07/dd/10/07dd10a8423bfebf62c41c93035658099fcc2ffa.file.modal.tpl.php
97 cache/smarty/compile/70/39/c8/7039c864975fb647ba9e0442e07026718b32a69f.file.header.tpl.php
98 cache/smarty/compile/ea/7b/be/ea7bbed337365a242f6f5b08ca1931a3efb1bd1f.file.nav.tpl.php
99 cache/smarty/compile/b3/d3/62/b3d3626e317e1e7ba96cf594c5857f955829d542.file.footer.tpl.php
100 cache/smarty/compile/ef/9c/4f/ef9c4fb2ffa918035b90c13c699c9c19bc0f98db.file.layout.tpl.php

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Even if I delete the cache, product still how the "old" description, I don't know how is it possible as I changed it in the backend, and changes are shown in the backend. Where the "old" description is stored ?

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