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CMS Block Module Not Working

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It seems that I am not able to configure custom pages in PrestaShop 1.6 the way I want.


1. I want a CMS block to appear in the displayRightColumn, but try as I might, it does not go into the Right Blocks in the modules configuration. I cannot add in the Left Blocks either. I tried editing the "Information" to my custom heading and it still doesn't change!

(screenshots attached in temporal order)


2. It seemed that the new block button wasn't working. So I changed the href attribute to a js attribute and got it to work. But it still doesn't add any thing in either the Left Blocks or the Right Blocks.


3. I had created a CMS category Fun Stuff in Preferences > CMS before doing step 1. I added a page in that to hopefully display in my right column. Then after step 2, I deleted that page and made two new pages. But these new pages don't even show up in the CMS Block module and now I can't add them even in the footer!

Also, on my front office (main site) the category shows with that previous old page (even though there are two new pages) in spite of refreshing it many times.


Could someone please help me out?


Will this problem be affecting me even if I install and use a new theme? (Does a theme come with its own modules or does it use the default ones, at least for custom content?)




Edited by garyF (see edit history)
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my apology if bumping up posts is not allowed,


but can i at least know if it's a bug or if something's wrong with my Prestashop 1.6 configuration and whether it can be resolved? anyone?


as a last resort, maybe i should stick to 1.5; but then, i saw that some modules have updates that are specific to 1.6 and break on 1.5.5 :-( oh well!

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