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Suhosin eval and PrestaShopAutoload.php

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I'm trying to install PrestaShop 1.6 on a server that runs Suhosin.  I'm not much of a server manager or programmer but I get by.  It's a dedicated server but, because of some of the content, removing Suhosin is not an option.


When the following line in the Suhosin config file is set to "on" I get a blank page:
suhosin.executor.disable_eval = on


When it is set to "off" or commented out the Install performs as expected.


The problem is initially caused by the eval in line 109 of PrestaShopAutoload.php.  It might also have to do with the eval in line 93 but I don't know how to check it.  Either way, it is the use of eval that is the problem.


Suhosin allows for an eval whitelist but I can't figure out how to get it to work.  The forum is down over there and I can't seem to find any clear example online. 


My questions:


  1. Has anyone been able to get PrestaShop 1.6 to run on a server with Suhosin and, if you did, how did you adjust the Suhosin config to make it work?
  2. Is there a workaround or change I can make to the PrestaShopAutoload.php that will allow the required functionality to remain but not use eval?


Thanks for any suggestions.




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I was able to get past the blank page by whitelisting the load($classname) function in the suhosin.ini.


Now I'm stuck with other things being "disabled for security reasons" in the templating and cookies areas.


At least the initial question is answered in case anyone else runs into the problem.

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