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B2B & B2C on the same website

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Hello everyone,


I have a website which sells many products, and i would like to be able to sell packs (very few) only to professionnels.


In this aim, i activated the B2B option (i didnt found many changes except the subscription, tell me if i m wrong) and added a particular group for professionnnels.


Now, i have several questions :


-Is it possible to restrict a category to a group (I saw the option obviously, it does not hide the products to the public on the main page and product page..) ? And best, restrict directly the product ?


- Is it possible to send a mail to the adinistrator when someone subscribe with siret and tva number ?


- Is the APE code a information to keep ? I mean when you have siret and Tva, you can check the authenticity of the company, and i don't thnik the ape code is needed on bills.. Why is it here on the first place while tva number is not ?!


Thank you very much for your time :)


have a nice day, and if you really want to make me happy, please tell me i dont have to set up a multishop for less than 10 products ! :P



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