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I'm having a problem with the homeslider module and the multishop option.


When I configured the multishop I selected the shop 2 with a virtual folder








all was fine with that, but when I tryed to upload diferents images to the homeslider I only can see the images of the store1 because in the store2 the url of the image is wrong.


the URL should be like: www.store1.com/modules/homeslider/img/image.jpg

but instead I have something like: www.store1.com/shop2/modules/homeslider/img/image.jpg


so I can't see the images.


I don't know if I'm configurating something wrong or it's a problem with this module

I hope someone can help me.

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Hi gepd. 

I also have an issue with multishop and the home slider. 

There seems to be a bug that only ONE instance of the home slider is allowed so even if you have 2 stores that sell completely different products, you cannot use some slides on one shop and other slides on the other. 

If this is so, it is a MAJOR fallback since many have multishop running in order to sell different items and slides for one shop may have nothing to do with the second shop. 

Can anyone confirm this is a bug? 


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Hi fixgear


I solved the problem, the error was in the second theme assigned to the store 2, in my case a second copy of the default theme


in the file homeslider.tpl (line 35) located in prestashop/themes/equipados/modules/homeslider/

<img src="{$link->getMediaLink("`$smarty.const._MODULE_DIR_`homeslider/images/`$slide.image|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'`")}"{if isset($slide.size) && $slide.size} {$slide.size}{else} width="100%

I change the folder images for img it as a bug for the first version of the theme and have to be change manually in the second theme if it's the case


try it and tell me if it solved your problem

Edited by gepd (see edit history)
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