juanrojas Posted May 14, 2014 Share Posted May 14, 2014 Hola deseo migrar mi sitio prestashop de remoto a local. he visto un video tutorial y se que sirve, pero el problema con mi sitio es su peso, estamos hablando de 250 megas. no me deja bajarlo a local, sale error cuando estoy subiendo la base de datos que pesa 15 megas. alguna idea? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Servicios MC Posted May 14, 2014 Share Posted May 14, 2014 Si no puedes subir los archivos porque tu conexión es mala, búscate una cafetería con wifi y hazlo desde alli, porque si no subes los ficheros no vas a poder instalar la tienda. Una vez que consigas subirla, si quieres te echamos una mano, aunque si quieres podemos encargarnos directamente nosotros de todo, pasate por nuestra web y vemos como podemos ayudarte. Saludos. Ana Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jesa Posted May 14, 2014 Share Posted May 14, 2014 Hola deseo migrar mi sitio prestashop de remoto a local. he visto un video tutorial y se que sirve, pero el problema con mi sitio es su peso, estamos hablando de 250 megas. no me deja bajarlo a local, sale error cuando estoy subiendo la base de datos que pesa 15 megas. alguna idea? Si estás pasando tu tienda de tu hosting a tu pc, no deberías de tener problemas. Por un lado tienes que bajarte los ficheros por ftp y por otro hacerte una copia de tu base de datos que tendrás que hacer desde el panel de control del hosting accediendo a la base de datos. Eso si, en tu post no queda claro que quieres, porque hablas de pasar tu tienda de remoto a local y después dices que te da un error al subir la base de datos... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
factoriadigital Posted May 14, 2014 Share Posted May 14, 2014 Saludos. Si el error te lo da al subir la base de datos, abre el phpmyadmin del servidor y copia directamente el sql a ver si te deja hacerlo correctamente. Un saludo!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juanrojas Posted May 14, 2014 Author Share Posted May 14, 2014 Perdon, ya revise bien mi base de datos .sql pesa 100 megas entonces al intentar subirla desde "importar" en el phpmyadmin, me sale lo siguiente Se ha agotado el tiempo de ejecución del script; si desea completar la importación reenvíe el mismo archivo y la importación continuará. sigo enviandolo pero se me queda en un bucle y sigue saliendo lo mismo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
factoriadigital Posted May 14, 2014 Share Posted May 14, 2014 Debes indicar a tu hosting que te amplien el tiempo. Puedes intentar limpiar antes la bd o exportarla en partes. Por ejemplo la mitad de las tablas primero y después la otra mitad. Aparte de eso intenta subirla comprimiéndola primero en zip y la subes así. Puede que te deje hacerlo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juanrojas Posted May 14, 2014 Author Share Posted May 14, 2014 no te olvides que es de remoto a local, eso quiere decir que yo soy el servidor. como se exporta en partes? como doy esta orden en el phpmyadmin? intente descargarla en .zip pero no me dejo el servidor se queda en bucle (y eso que es dedicado). (descargo un archivo de 250 bytes, es decir queda mal la exportacion) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juanrojas Posted May 14, 2014 Author Share Posted May 14, 2014 siguiendo con la exportacion, me ha salido lo siguiente Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\phpMyAdmin\libraries\dbi\mysqli.dbi.lib.php on line 267 bueno si voy a esa ruta me encuentro esto return mysqli_query($link, $query, $method); (esta es la linea 267) <?php /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /** * Interface to the improved MySQL extension (MySQLi) * * @package PhpMyAdmin-DBI * @subpackage MySQLi */ if (! defined('PHPMYADMIN')) { exit; } require_once './libraries/logging.lib.php'; /** * MySQL client API */ if (!defined('PMA_MYSQL_CLIENT_API')) { $client_api = explode('.', mysqli_get_client_info()); define( 'PMA_MYSQL_CLIENT_API', (int)sprintf( '%d%02d%02d', $client_api[0], $client_api[1], intval($client_api[2]) ) ); unset($client_api); } /** * some PHP versions are reporting extra messages like "No index used in query" */ mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF); /** * some older mysql client libs are missing these constants ... */ if (! defined('MYSQLI_BINARY_FLAG')) { define('MYSQLI_BINARY_FLAG', 128); } /** * @see http://bugs.php.net/36007 */ if (! defined('MYSQLI_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL')) { define('MYSQLI_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL', 246); } if (! defined('MYSQLI_TYPE_BIT')) { define('MYSQLI_TYPE_BIT', 16); } // for Drizzle if (! defined('MYSQLI_TYPE_VARCHAR')) { define('MYSQLI_TYPE_VARCHAR', 15); } /** * Helper function for connecting to the database server * * @param mysqli $link connection link * @param string $host mysql hostname * @param string $user mysql user name * @param string $password mysql user password * @param string $dbname database name * @param int $server_port server port * @param string $server_socket server socket * @param int $client_flags client flags of connection * @param bool $persistent whether to use peristent connection * * @return bool */ function PMA_DBI_real_connect( $link, $host, $user, $password, $dbname, $server_port, $server_socket, $client_flags = null, $persistent = false ) { global $cfg; // mysqli persistent connections only on PHP 5.3+ if (PMA_PHP_INT_VERSION >= 50300) { if ($cfg['PersistentConnections'] || $persistent) { $host = 'p:' . $host; } } if ($client_flags === null) { return @mysqli_real_connect( $link, $host, $user, $password, $dbname, $server_port, $server_socket ); } else { return @mysqli_real_connect( $link, $host, $user, $password, $dbname, $server_port, $server_socket, $client_flags ); } } /** * connects to the database server * * @param string $user mysql user name * @param string $password mysql user password * @param bool $is_controluser whether this is a control user connection * @param array $server host/port/socket/persistent * @param bool $auxiliary_connection (when true, don't go back to login if * connection fails) * * @return mixed false on error or a mysqli object on success */ function PMA_DBI_connect( $user, $password, $is_controluser = false, $server = null, $auxiliary_connection = false ) { global $cfg; if ($server) { $server_port = (empty($server['port'])) ? false : (int)$server['port']; $server_socket = (empty($server['socket'])) ? '' : $server['socket']; $server['host'] = (empty($server['host'])) ? 'localhost' : $server['host']; } else { $server_port = (empty($cfg['Server']['port'])) ? false : (int) $cfg['Server']['port']; $server_socket = (empty($cfg['Server']['socket'])) ? null : $cfg['Server']['socket']; } // NULL enables connection to the default socket $link = mysqli_init(); mysqli_options($link, MYSQLI_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE, true); $client_flags = 0; /* Optionally compress connection */ if ($cfg['Server']['compress'] && defined('MYSQLI_CLIENT_COMPRESS')) { $client_flags |= MYSQLI_CLIENT_COMPRESS; } /* Optionally enable SSL */ if ($cfg['Server']['ssl'] && defined('MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL')) { $client_flags |= MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL; } if (!$server) { $return_value = @PMA_DBI_real_connect( $link, $cfg['Server']['host'], $user, $password, false, $server_port, $server_socket, $client_flags ); // Retry with empty password if we're allowed to if ($return_value == false && isset($cfg['Server']['nopassword']) && $cfg['Server']['nopassword'] && !$is_controluser ) { $return_value = @PMA_DBI_real_connect( $link, $cfg['Server']['host'], $user, '', false, $server_port, $server_socket, $client_flags ); } } else { $return_value = @PMA_DBI_real_connect( $link, $server['host'], $user, $password, false, $server_port, $server_socket ); } if ($return_value == false) { if ($is_controluser) { trigger_error( __('Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed.'), E_USER_WARNING ); return false; } // we could be calling PMA_DBI_connect() to connect to another // server, for example in the Synchronize feature, so do not // go back to main login if it fails if (! $auxiliary_connection) { PMA_log_user($user, 'mysql-denied'); global $auth_plugin; $auth_plugin->authFails(); } else { return false; } } else { PMA_DBI_postConnect($link, $is_controluser); } return $link; } /** * selects given database * * @param string $dbname database name to select * @param mysqli $link the mysqli object * * @return boolean */ function PMA_DBI_select_db($dbname, $link = null) { if (empty($link)) { if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link = $GLOBALS['userlink']; } else { return false; } } return mysqli_select_db($link, $dbname); } /** * runs a query and returns the result * * @param string $query query to execute * @param mysqli $link mysqli object * @param int $options query options * * @return mysqli_result|bool */ function PMA_DBI_real_query($query, $link, $options) { if ($options == ($options | PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE)) { $method = MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT; } elseif ($options == ($options | PMA_DBI_QUERY_UNBUFFERED)) { $method = MYSQLI_USE_RESULT; } else { $method = 0; } return mysqli_query($link, $query, $method); } /** * Run the multi query and output the results * * @param mysqli $link mysqli object * @param string $query multi query statement to execute * * @return mysqli_result collection | boolean(false) */ function PMA_DBI_real_multi_query($link, $query) { return mysqli_multi_query($link, $query); } /** * returns array of rows with associative and numeric keys from $result * * @param mysqli_result $result result set identifier * * @return array */ function PMA_DBI_fetch_array($result) { return mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_BOTH); } /** * returns array of rows with associative keys from $result * * @param mysqli_result $result result set identifier * * @return array */ function PMA_DBI_fetch_assoc($result) { return mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC); } /** * returns array of rows with numeric keys from $result * * @param mysqli_result $result result set identifier * * @return array */ function PMA_DBI_fetch_row($result) { return mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_NUM); } /** * Adjusts the result pointer to an arbitrary row in the result * * @param resource $result database result * @param integer $offset offset to seek * * @return bool true on success, false on failure */ function PMA_DBI_data_seek($result, $offset) { return mysqli_data_seek($result, $offset); } /** * Frees memory associated with the result * * @param mysqli_result $result database result * * @return void */ function PMA_DBI_free_result($result) { if ($result instanceof mysqli_result) { mysqli_free_result($result); } } /** * Check if there are any more query results from a multi query * * @param mysqli $link the mysqli object * * @return bool true or false */ function PMA_DBI_more_results($link = null) { if (empty($link)) { if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link = $GLOBALS['userlink']; } else { return false; } } return mysqli_more_results($link); } /** * Prepare next result from multi_query * * @param mysqli $link the mysqli object * * @return bool true or false */ function PMA_DBI_next_result($link = null) { if (empty($link)) { if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link = $GLOBALS['userlink']; } else { return false; } } return mysqli_next_result($link); } /** * Store the result returned from multi query * * @return mixed false when empty results / result set when not empty */ function PMA_DBI_store_result() { if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link = $GLOBALS['userlink']; } else { return false; } return mysqli_store_result($link); } /** * Returns a string representing the type of connection used * * @param resource $link mysql link * * @return string type of connection used */ function PMA_DBI_get_host_info($link = null) { if (null === $link) { if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link = $GLOBALS['userlink']; } else { return false; } } return mysqli_get_host_info($link); } /** * Returns the version of the MySQL protocol used * * @param resource $link mysql link * * @return integer version of the MySQL protocol used */ function PMA_DBI_get_proto_info($link = null) { if (null === $link) { if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link = $GLOBALS['userlink']; } else { return false; } } return mysqli_get_proto_info($link); } /** * returns a string that represents the client library version * * @return string MySQL client library version */ function PMA_DBI_get_client_info() { return mysqli_get_client_info(); } /** * returns last error message or false if no errors occured * * @param resource $link mysql link * * @return string|bool $error or false */ function PMA_DBI_getError($link = null) { $GLOBALS['errno'] = 0; /* Treat false same as null because of controllink */ if ($link === false) { $link = null; } if (null === $link && isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link =& $GLOBALS['userlink']; // Do not stop now. We still can get the error code // with mysqli_connect_errno() } if (null !== $link) { $error_number = mysqli_errno($link); $error_message = mysqli_error($link); } else { $error_number = mysqli_connect_errno(); $error_message = mysqli_connect_error(); } if (0 == $error_number) { return false; } // keep the error number for further check after the call to PMA_DBI_getError() $GLOBALS['errno'] = $error_number; return PMA_DBI_formatError($error_number, $error_message); } /** * returns the number of rows returned by last query * * @param mysqli_result $result result set identifier * * @return string|int */ function PMA_DBI_num_rows($result) { // see the note for PMA_DBI_try_query(); if (!is_bool($result)) { return @mysqli_num_rows($result); } else { return 0; } } /** * returns last inserted auto_increment id for given $link or $GLOBALS['userlink'] * * @param mysqli $link the mysqli object * * @return string|int */ function PMA_DBI_insert_id($link = null) { if (empty($link)) { if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link = $GLOBALS['userlink']; } else { return false; } } // When no controluser is defined, using mysqli_insert_id($link) // does not always return the last insert id due to a mixup with // the tracking mechanism, but this works: return PMA_DBI_fetch_value('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();', 0, 0, $link); // Curiously, this problem does not happen with the mysql extension but // there is another problem with BIGINT primary keys so PMA_DBI_insert_id() // in the mysql extension also uses this logic. } /** * returns the number of rows affected by last query * * @param mysqli $link the mysqli object * @param bool $get_from_cache whether to retrieve from cache * * @return string|int */ function PMA_DBI_affected_rows($link = null, $get_from_cache = true) { if (empty($link)) { if (isset($GLOBALS['userlink'])) { $link = $GLOBALS['userlink']; } else { return false; } } if ($get_from_cache) { return $GLOBALS['cached_affected_rows']; } else { return mysqli_affected_rows($link); } } /** * returns metainfo for fields in $result * * @param mysqli_result $result result set identifier * * @return array meta info for fields in $result */ function PMA_DBI_get_fields_meta($result) { // Build an associative array for a type look up $typeAr = array(); $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_DECIMAL] = 'real'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL] = 'real'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_BIT] = 'int'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY] = 'int'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_SHORT] = 'int'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG] = 'int'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_FLOAT] = 'real'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_DOUBLE] = 'real'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_NULL] = 'null'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_TIMESTAMP] = 'timestamp'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_LONGLONG] = 'int'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_INT24] = 'int'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_DATE] = 'date'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_TIME] = 'time'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_DATETIME] = 'datetime'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_YEAR] = 'year'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_NEWDATE] = 'date'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_ENUM] = 'unknown'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_SET] = 'unknown'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY_BLOB] = 'blob'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB] = 'blob'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG_BLOB] = 'blob'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_BLOB] = 'blob'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_VAR_STRING] = 'string'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_STRING] = 'string'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_VARCHAR] = 'string'; // for Drizzle // MySQL returns MYSQLI_TYPE_STRING for CHAR // and MYSQLI_TYPE_CHAR === MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY // so this would override TINYINT and mark all TINYINT as string // https://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/bugs/2205/ //$typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_CHAR] = 'string'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_GEOMETRY] = 'geometry'; $typeAr[MYSQLI_TYPE_BIT] = 'bit'; $fields = mysqli_fetch_fields($result); // this happens sometimes (seen under MySQL 4.0.25) if (!is_array($fields)) { return false; } foreach ($fields as $k => $field) { $fields[$k]->_type = $field->type; $fields[$k]->type = $typeAr[$field->type]; $fields[$k]->_flags = $field->flags; $fields[$k]->flags = PMA_DBI_field_flags($result, $k); // Enhance the field objects for mysql-extension compatibilty //$flags = explode(' ', $fields[$k]->flags); //array_unshift($flags, 'dummy'); $fields[$k]->multiple_key = (int) (bool) ($fields[$k]->_flags & MYSQLI_MULTIPLE_KEY_FLAG); $fields[$k]->primary_key = (int) (bool) ($fields[$k]->_flags & MYSQLI_PRI_KEY_FLAG); $fields[$k]->unique_key = (int) (bool) ($fields[$k]->_flags & MYSQLI_UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG); $fields[$k]->not_null = (int) (bool) ($fields[$k]->_flags & MYSQLI_NOT_NULL_FLAG); $fields[$k]->unsigned = (int) (bool) ($fields[$k]->_flags & MYSQLI_UNSIGNED_FLAG); $fields[$k]->zerofill = (int) (bool) ($fields[$k]->_flags & MYSQLI_ZEROFILL_FLAG); $fields[$k]->numeric = (int) (bool) ($fields[$k]->_flags & MYSQLI_NUM_FLAG); $fields[$k]->blob = (int) (bool) ($fields[$k]->_flags & MYSQLI_BLOB_FLAG); } return $fields; } /** * return number of fields in given $result * * @param mysqli_result $result result set identifier * * @return int field count */ function PMA_DBI_num_fields($result) { return mysqli_num_fields($result); } /** * returns the length of the given field $i in $result * * @param mysqli_result $result result set identifier * @param int $i field * * @return int length of field */ function PMA_DBI_field_len($result, $i) { return mysqli_fetch_field_direct($result, $i)->length; } /** * returns name of $i. field in $result * * @param mysqli_result $result result set identifier * @param int $i field * * @return string name of $i. field in $result */ function PMA_DBI_field_name($result, $i) { return mysqli_fetch_field_direct($result, $i)->name; } /** * returns concatenated string of human readable field flags * * @param mysqli_result $result result set identifier * @param int $i field * * @return string field flags */ function PMA_DBI_field_flags($result, $i) { // This is missing from PHP 5.2.5, see http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=44846 if (! defined('MYSQLI_ENUM_FLAG')) { define('MYSQLI_ENUM_FLAG', 256); // see MySQL source include/mysql_com.h } $f = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($result, $i); $type = $f->type; $charsetnr = $f->charsetnr; $f = $f->flags; $flags = ''; if ($f & MYSQLI_UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG) { $flags .= 'unique '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_NUM_FLAG) { $flags .= 'num '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_PART_KEY_FLAG) { $flags .= 'part_key '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_SET_FLAG) { $flags .= 'set '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_TIMESTAMP_FLAG) { $flags .= 'timestamp '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_AUTO_INCREMENT_FLAG) { $flags .= 'auto_increment '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_ENUM_FLAG) { $flags .= 'enum '; } // See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/6.0/en/c-api-datatypes.html: // to determine if a string is binary, we should not use MYSQLI_BINARY_FLAG // but instead the charsetnr member of the MYSQL_FIELD // structure. Watch out: some types like DATE returns 63 in charsetnr // so we have to check also the type. // Unfortunately there is no equivalent in the mysql extension. if (($type == MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY_BLOB || $type == MYSQLI_TYPE_BLOB || $type == MYSQLI_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB || $type == MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG_BLOB || $type == MYSQLI_TYPE_VAR_STRING || $type == MYSQLI_TYPE_STRING) && 63 == $charsetnr ) { $flags .= 'binary '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_ZEROFILL_FLAG) { $flags .= 'zerofill '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_UNSIGNED_FLAG) { $flags .= 'unsigned '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_BLOB_FLAG) { $flags .= 'blob '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_MULTIPLE_KEY_FLAG) { $flags .= 'multiple_key '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG) { $flags .= 'unique_key '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_PRI_KEY_FLAG) { $flags .= 'primary_key '; } if ($f & MYSQLI_NOT_NULL_FLAG) { $flags .= 'not_null '; } return trim($flags); } ?> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
factoriadigital Posted May 14, 2014 Share Posted May 14, 2014 Disculpa, lo entendí mal. Debes editar el archivo php.ini , puedes modificarlo con el bloc de notas, Debes modificar: post_max_size y upload_max_filesize También puedes hacerlo con .htaccess en el directorio raíz de la instalación de prestashop: php_value post_max_size 150M php_value upload_max_filesize 150M Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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