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How to widen center column while keeping left and right column?

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Yes, I want to increase width of center column without removing left or right column.

If the center column is like 575 px and I increase to 600, I am assuming that the left or right

columns get shifted. How would I maintain the integrity of the columns while increasing the center column width?


Thank you.

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well, to increase width of center column you can manipulate width values of "grid" engine /themes/default/css/grid_prestashop.css


left and right column uses grid: grid_2

center coumn uses grid_5


you can mange width of columns there.



btw. you said that center column has got 575 width - in fact, it has 535px width

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  • 7 months later...

Hello, I need some help to change center column width in categoty page. On screen you can see, that I have change size of left and right column to 20% width - http://puu.sh/ehonF/08e5054f9e.png

But now I need to change center column to 60% width, and If I make some changes in center column - id or in col-md-6 - class, it changes all elementes with this class, If I add new class in header.tpl it changes center colum on the index(main) page.


Thank you in advance.

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Thank you for your apply.


Maybe it will help, but I don't know how to do this, I have this code in headert.pl

<section id="center_column" class="col-md-{$cols|intval}">

This code is used for every page and I don't know how it assign number only for category page.

Edited by Kensi (see edit history)
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it displays value dynamically.


comment this line out in that way:

{if isset($left_column_size) && isset($right_column_size)}{assign var='cols' value=(12 - $left_column_size - $right_column_size)}{else}{assign var='cols' value=12}{/if}

and use just

{assign var='cols' value=12}

(decrease value to 6 or 7 or 8 as nemo suggested

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