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Shipping: Display tax label (e.g. "Tax incl.")

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re Shipping:


Setting up zones Display tax label (e.g. "Tax incl.") to NO does not seem to work. I would have expected a visitor that selects a country within a zone where Display tax label (e.g. "Tax incl.") is set to NO would not see this label and the shipping rate would be displayed without any reference to either (tax incl.) or (tax excl.). Yet they do. Setting countries to the same does not make any difference.


I suppose I can edit this in translations, but I'd rather not.


Does anyone here know if this is expected behaviour?


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For some reason (don't know why) the relevant part is disabled in the theme.

If you look at product.tpl around line 259 you will find the following code commented out

	<!--{if $tax_enabled  && ((isset($display_tax_label) && $display_tax_label == 1) || !isset($display_tax_label))}
											{if $priceDisplay == 1}{l s='tax excl.'}{else}{l s='tax incl.'}{/if}

If you remove the <!-- at the beginning and the --> at the end the tax label will show up in the product page (if you have enabled the tax label in your country settings).

Edited by prestamax (see edit history)
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I tried this method but shipping on default template still shows as (tax incl.) for countries and zones where tax is disabled. Force compile, empty cache made no difference. 


edit: note I'll play around with this on a test site when I get the time, possible I missed something.

Edited by jetx (see edit history)
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