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How to add the newsletter block in the footer

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Nice, thanks for the help :) . Any idea how I can get the contact us block back up to its old position and shrink the newsletter box a bit? Also want to move the email empty box next to where it says newsletter. I added an image explaining this.




Thanks for the help! Really appreciate it!

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Try to add the following styles in blocknewsletter.css


#footer #newsletter_block_left .title_block, #footer #newsletter_block_left .block_content{



#footer #newsletter_block_left .title_block#newsletter_block_left h4 {
  1. backgroundurl(img/icon/newsletter.png) no-repeat 0px 6px transparent;
#footer #newsletter_block_left input.button_mini{
  1. top8px;
in custom.css on line 1474 change the following style
.blockcategories_footer,#footer .block_various_links#footer .myaccount#social_block,#block_contact_infos {
  1. padding20px 10px;
.blockcategories_footer,#footer .block_various_links#footer .myaccount#social_block,#block_contact_infos {
  1. padding20px 9px;
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Awesome dude! That did it... Theres one last thing I hope you can help me out with. "Newsletter", the envelope and the search box have a grey border look to it, any suggestions on how I can remove this? Thanks a ton  :)



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