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Can`t get prices on products, help pls. And few more...


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So, I add new product, click on Save and stay, then move to prices, add price and the rest of what i need, and after saving product price is still zero. If i use Save and stay while i'm on prices tab it's just return me back to list of my products. 

I've added more then 400 products without any problem. The only changes that i made today was setting up price on my carrier, opened bloccart.tpl to see if i can remove free shiping but i didnt do anything, i havent delete a single letter... 

I'm desperate.

I dont receive any error msg, just simple doesnt save the price. 

And also i cant delete product cat, select it, press delete and check it, but it still shows up in the list... 


Is it posible that i accidentally deleted something...?! 



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Ok, is it maybe something with the cache. When i manally clean smarty/compile folder i can set up one price, or just one change on my site. So it looks like this, add price, save, clear compile, add manufacturer, save, clean compile, add one feature, save, clear compile?! Is there a way or a code that will automaticaly clear compile? And still i dont know why all this happened? 

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Upgraded to 1.6, problem is  still there. So i started from scratch, fresh install, added around 200 products manually without any backup coz i didnt want anything from old site ( since i dont know what was the problem there ), and, imagine that, i again have the same problem, simply dont want to save any modifications that i made with my products... If i clear cache ( in every possible way and place that i know ), i can save the price but none of features... So, at this point, prestashop became useless for me. I like everything about it but if i cant add product in my shop, ...?! And i dont have anyone to ask but here, but obviously i'm the only person with this problem coz no one replied.

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Moved it to local. Tried to add/edit product and got this

Unknown: Input variables exceeded 1000. To increase the limit change max_input_vars in php.ini. in Unknown on line 0


So i changed in php.ini post_max_size, upload_max_filesize, max_input_vars to higher values, restarted xampp and everything else, and the problem is still here. 


And how did i reach 1000?!

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According to php manual max_input_vars in php.ini role is:


How many input variables may be accepted (limit is applied to $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE superglobal separately). Use of this directive mitigates the possibility of denial of service attacks which use hash collisions. If there are more input variables than specified by this directive, an E_WARNING is issued, and further input variables are truncated from the request. This limit applies only to each nesting level of a multi-dimensional input array.


Can you confirm you have set max_input_vars = 6000 in php.ini.


You can make new file test.php in your root and put this code in:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

and then navigate to www.yoursite.com/test.php and search for that max_input_vars value in the results that come up

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OK, using test.php i found out that values that i changed are saved for post max size and upload max filesize, but max input vars are still at 1000. And i changed it just as the other two, in php.ini... is there some place else to look for that? 

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I changed it on local, and yes it works, i can add and modify products and features there! So now only to hope that hosting provider will changed that too so i can continue working....  Thank you very much for your help!  :)

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So for some unknown reasons my provider wont change anything ( security bla bla something ). So I searched a bit more here on forum and found good solution. To create .user.ini in my site folder and put max input var there, and finally i was able to add and modify products on server too. In phpinfo local value is now set to 6000 and master value is still 1000, there wont be some problems with that i hope... i'm just affraid that i wake up tomorrow and wont be able to add a single word. So if everything work in the morning i can mark this as solved :)

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