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what is purpose of choosing another Default category?

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In the product description area after you have setup several categories there is a drop down menu to choose a category. By default it is set to Home. What is the purpose of changing the "Default category" to another one in the drop down menu?


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Oh so the drop down menu is the same as checking off the catalog boxes for the folder you want the product in.

I kept seeing the correct catalog folder checked but seeing Home in the default drop down showing.

If you choose a folder from the Default drop down and then save and go back to the product description area then it shows the correct default folder in the drop down. If you click the Home category in addition in the drop down menu and then uncheck the Home box and save it shows the Home in the drop down menu with the Home checkbox unchecked.

It works properly but seems a little confusing depending on whether someone uses the drop down menu to choose a category folder or just checks them off.

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