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Order number in Admin new order email subject

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i am trying to figure out how I can get the order email into the subject line of the admin new order notifications. It is becoming increasingly difficult to determine which order is which by the exact same subject line.

is there also anyway to get the last name of the customer in the subject as well...

so it would like this:
New Order - 000038 - SMITH


New Order - 38 - SMITH.

Any help?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have not tested this but reckon it is a very easy mod to the mailalerts module.
Locate the file mailalerts.php in the mailalerts folder under modules.
At around line 129, you will see a comment that says: // Filling-in vars for email

Below the comment find the line:

$subject = $this->l('New order');

I would try chaning this to the following and see if that works out for you:

$subject = $this->l('New order').": ".$order->id . " - ".$delivery->lastname ; 

Hope that is of some help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

NMAC, this did not work... what it actually did was create an error on the product details page. not sure how the two correlate, but when I installed the error started and when I changed it back the problem was resolved.

So still need help in solving this please.

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