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Store in multistore with default theme: i can't have footer and header showing up

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Hi all,

I am totally new to the forum and PrestaShop, so forgive me if I can't explain myself properly or posted in a wrong place...

I have installed locally the latest version of PrestaShop for testing/training purposes.

I wanted to try the following:

1) main store, a regular one, with products, categories, etc.

2) another store, created with multistore option, which should be used only as a blog.


So, what I did was:


1) enabled multistore and created the new store

2) used the default theme but basically empty (decided not to copy things from the main site)

3) found and installed a free module for Blog management, that in itself seems to work very good (it is basically the only thing working! and showing up in my blog site :-( )


4) now, I would like to add some additional features, apart from the blog itself, like the banner on top of the page - the one that is above the logo + general search function where it is in the default theme, + the footer.


That's it, but none of this will appear....Why?


Theme config has everything enabled (I was a bit frustrated of nothing showing up so I enabled everything, for good measure, even though I wanted a two colums layout, with left column and main content) (see attachment).


Block config is enabled for the shop and configured (see other attachment).


I tried to hook it both to the dispayHeader (wich is where it is in the main site, where I did not change it from how it was since I installed PrestaShop) and to the displayTop, plus a displayBanner that I found in the list of hooks (displayTopColumn seemed not to let me do it), but it never appears! Same for the footer. I activated modules and configured them but they won't show up...What am I doing wrong?


Can someone help me?

In general, is there a place/document/tutorial where all the available positions are explained, like showing in the page where that content is meant to be placed?


Thanks for any help!








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I might have figured out something, I first go the Positions and Hook my modules somewhere, THEN go to the Modules and use the RELOAD function.

But in a multistore environment, at least the way I have it configured now, it happens that the module is "reloaded" everywhere (even though I used the reload function having my specific shop selected on the dropdown list on top of the page)....

Hence, I then have to re-activate/re-configure it in the other stores as well, where I did nothing and changed nothing! :-(

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