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Change position of tabs in ps 1.6

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Hello there!


We are doing the last modifications on our product informations and want to do something that is very important in terms of usability and logic. 


As you can see here:




the "comments" tab, generated by the disquis tab of mypresta.eu is the 2. tab. We would like it between the "Edition info" and the "Reviews" tab. Is there any solution to do that?


I would properly ask vekia from mypresta.eu but since my webhoster died i lost access to my e-mail account and cant login on his website. He also did the customization of the tabs for us. Anyways please dont get confused by the tabs. They work, as i understand it exactly like the normal tabs so the position changing should work the same way.




Edit: solved it by simply reinstalling the plugins in the right order.

Edited by Vire (see edit history)
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Good morning


Sorry about the loss of your web host.

Why not pm Vekia about your problem



I already did (yesterday in the forum). And previously with my googlemail e-mail. Anyways, i solved that problem. Will open a new thread for another problem.

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