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Different shipping prices for states (country regions)?

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I'm trying configure different shipping prices for states (country regions). Here is my steps:

1. Zone > created Europe
2. Countries > created Slovakia assigned to zone Europe, allowed States
3. States > created States (representing regions) assigned to Slovakia and Europe
4. Carriers > created carrier assigned to zone Europe
5. Range Weight > created various ranges for carrier

The customer has opportunity chose his country and state (region) in his account. That's what I expected.

Now I need to configure Shipping prices for each State (country region) and it is problem, because the PrestaShop allowed range configuration for different zones, but not for countries or states (regions). Maybe I'm missing something. Suggestions are welcome.

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ok, I was playing around with shipping 'zones' and was able to create what I was wanting, which is a carrier that only shows up if an address is in a specific 'state'

I created another zone ( called ShipToOhio ), skipped the country ( which is going to always be USA in my case ), and edited the already created state of 'Ohio' and changed the zone to 'ShipToOhio' and this works, even though the country (USA) is not in zone 'ShipToOhio'

Now I can control if a carrier shows up to a customer by their address, in Ohio vendor shipping is available, not in Ohio it does not

I can also set up a different fee for every zone, so in your case caleydon, this is where you could possibly customize your shipping prices per state
every 'zone' (in your case 'state' as well) can have it's own fee for each carrier

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