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Extra fee based on product quantity

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I'm setting up an tire shop.


In my country you have to pay an environmental fee for each tire sold.



3 tires

3 environmental fees


The fee is same every time and should applied to all products in one category.


Can i somehow create an override ore something similar to add this in the cart?


// MBP





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Try using specific prices, and setup quantities, untick leave base price and set a new one :)

Not quite what i'm looking for.


It needs to be displayed in this certain way and same quantity as the products in that category:





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  • 3 weeks later...

In this case I believe you need a third party module :(


Is there no way to create an if statement? And make the environment fee as an product instead?


"if the product from category xx is the the basket, then add product XX to basket"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry, I was referring to this sentence, didn't read above


"if the product from category xx is the the basket, then add product XX to basket"


For a fee, you need a third party module


How can we write the "if" statement? I would like to add a certain product to the shopping cart if another certain product is in the cart. But I don't want the other item to be free.

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