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500 Internal Server Error - What happened to cause this?

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This morning, my site was working fine, now suddenly, it has an error;



500 Internal Server Error

The page cannot be displayed.


This displays when I try to log into the back office too, so I'm helpless. 


Why did this suddenly happen? (I didn't change anything)


How can I sort it asap without my back office?


It's really urgent!


Thanks in advance.


The site is www.offendmyeyes.co.uk 

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It resolved itself around 30 minutes after it started, so I presumed it to be nothing. however it just happened again now.


I am not doing anything on the site, (the only reason I know it is down is because I get monitoring reports) 


Why is this happening? 



One thing, could it be my host? And if so, how do I resolve it?

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if you can not get error message as suggest above ,then another suggestion is to review your error log which can typically be found in your hosting account control panel.


without the underlying reason for 500, then there is little one can do.

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if you can not get error message as suggest above ,then another suggestion is to review your error log which can typically be found in your hosting account control panel.


without the underlying reason for 500, then there is little one can do.



Thanks for this, I logged into my control panel and found the error logs. I clicked on it and here is what it says;


[Wed Apr 30 17:06:27 2014] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/offen174/public_html/favicon.ico
My favicon is the little ico image right? What does this have to do with anything? 
Thanks to all replies!
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Thanks for this, I logged into my control panel and found the error logs. I clicked on it and here is what it says;


[Wed Apr 30 17:06:27 2014] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/offen174/public_html/favicon.ico
My favicon is the little ice image right? What does this have to do with anything?
Thanks to all replies!



this would not be the information related to the 500 error.  At this point I suggest contacting your hosting company to see if they can find the underlying error related to the 500 error.  Note: you would need to have errors enabled either at ps or php.ini level.

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this would not be the information related to the 500 error.  At this point I suggest contacting your hosting company to see if they can find the underlying error related to the 500 error.  Note: you would need to have errors enabled either at ps or php.ini level.



Well I just tried to access the host's website (Hostpapa) and it says it is down for essential maintenance - could this be affecting my site? 

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i think that this is only apache error log, not php

in my opinion your website has got disabled error reporting related to php/server side due to the safery purposes.

Well I just tried to access the host's website (Hostpapa) and it says it is down for essential maintenance - could this be affecting my site? 

yes, but to be honest, only your hoster knows that so it's wworth to ask your hoster about:

- possibility to check php error log

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Your hosting company should have more tools available to them to see what is causing the error. As Vekia and El Patron mentioned -  It is worth a call to them and ask about this because it could be a number of issues, some that they can only fix, especially in a shared hosting environment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I emailed my host, and they said this;


We recommend that you optimize the website / database because to much script consumption could result to a 500
error. Please ensure that the codes in the .htacccess are valid.

If you see files or folders with permission levels set to 777, they need to be
changed to 755. Likewise, if you see files or folders with permission levels set
to 666, they need to be changed to 644.

To change a file or folder’s permission, click the item to select it and then
click the “Change Permissions” icon (the one with the key) in the row across
the top of the page. In the pop-up window, uncheck boxes until you see the total
at the bottom of the window equal the required permission level.


Please can someone help me to check what they said? I am a newbie to prestashop and so this all means nothing to me! I really appreciate the help.

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What your host sent you is their standard response - typical :(



I am assuming you can make these changes in your host's ftp program or file manager since they state:

To change a file or folder’s permission, click the item to select it and then

click the “Change Permissions” icon (the one with the key) in the row across
the top of the page. In the pop-up window, uncheck boxes until you see the total
at the bottom of the window equal the required permission level.


Here is a post from this forum that offers a list of which folders need which permissions:



Also check your php.ini and look at your memory limits. Mine are below - your host may have their own memory limits so you will need to ask them this.

max_execution_time = 10000     ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_input_time = 60	; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
memory_limit = 1024M      ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (32MB)
suhosin.get.max_vars = 10000;
suhosin.post.max_vars = 10000;
max_input_vars = 6000;
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i bet on this



We recommend that you optimize the website / database because to much script consumption could result to a 500
error. Please ensure that the codes in the .htacccess are valid.

do you know something more about restrictions on your hosting account?

how many connectections it accepts? youv'e got some restrictions related for example to number of queries per minute? hour? etc.?

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