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Adding a simple anti-spam question

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in contact-form.tpl add this code:

        <p class="text">
			<label for="antispam">{l s='2 + 8 ='}</label>
			<input type="text" name="antispam" id="antispam" value=""/>


		<p class="submit">
			<input type="submit" name="submitMessage" id="submitMessage" value="{l s='Send'}" class="button_large" onclick="$(this).hide();" />

then in Controllers/ContactController.php

change this if condition:

if (Tools::isSubmit('submitMessage')){



			$fileAttachment = NULL;
			if (isset($_FILES['fileUpload']['name']) AND !empty($_FILES['fileUpload']['name']) AND !empty($_FILES['fileUpload']['tmp_name']))
				$extension = array('.txt', '.rtf', '.doc', '.docx', '.pdf', '.zip', '.png', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.jpg');
				$filename = uniqid().substr($_FILES['fileUpload']['name'], -5);
				$fileAttachment['content'] = file_get_contents($_FILES['fileUpload']['tmp_name']);
				$fileAttachment['name'] = $_FILES['fileUpload']['name'];
				$fileAttachment['mime'] = $_FILES['fileUpload']['type'];
			$message = Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8(Tools::getValue('message'));
			if (!($from = trim(Tools::getValue('from'))) OR !Validate::isEmail($from))
				$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid e-mail address');
			elseif (!($message = nl2br2($message)))
				$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Message cannot be blank');
			elseif (!Validate::isCleanHtml($message))
				$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid message');
			elseif (!($id_contact = (int)(Tools::getValue('id_contact'))) OR !(Validate::isLoadedObject($contact = new Contact((int)($id_contact), (int)(self::$cookie->id_lang)))))
				$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Please select a subject on the list.');
			elseif (!empty($_FILES['fileUpload']['name']) AND $_FILES['fileUpload']['error'] != 0)
				$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred during the file upload');
			elseif (!empty($_FILES['fileUpload']['name']) AND !in_array(substr($_FILES['fileUpload']['name'], -4), $extension) AND !in_array(substr($_FILES['fileUpload']['name'], -5), $extension))
				$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Bad file extension');
				if ((int)(self::$cookie->id_customer))
					$customer = new Customer((int)(self::$cookie->id_customer));
					$customer = new Customer();

				$contact = new Contact($id_contact, self::$cookie->id_lang);

				if (!((
						$id_customer_thread = (int)Tools::getValue('id_customer_thread')
						AND (int)Db::getInstance()->getValue('
						SELECT cm.id_customer_thread FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_thread cm
						WHERE cm.id_customer_thread = '.(int)$id_customer_thread.' AND token = \''.pSQL(Tools::getValue('token')).'\'')
					) OR (
						$id_customer_thread = (int)Db::getInstance()->getValue('
						SELECT cm.id_customer_thread FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_thread cm
						WHERE cm.email = \''.pSQL($from).'\' AND cm.id_order = '.(int)(Tools::getValue('id_order')).'')
					$fields = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
					SELECT cm.id_customer_thread, cm.id_contact, cm.id_customer, cm.id_order, cm.id_product, cm.email
					FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_thread cm
					WHERE email = \''.pSQL($from).'\' AND ('.
						($customer->id ? 'id_customer = '.(int)($customer->id).' OR ' : '').'
						id_order = '.(int)(Tools::getValue('id_order')).')');
					$score = 0;
					foreach ($fields as $key => $row)
						$tmp = 0;
						if ((int)$row['id_customer'] AND $row['id_customer'] != $customer->id AND $row['email'] != $from)
						if ($row['id_order'] != 0 AND Tools::getValue('id_order') != $row['id_order'])
						if ($row['email'] == $from)
							$tmp += 4;
						if ($row['id_contact'] == $id_contact)
						if (Tools::getValue('id_product') != 0 AND $row['id_product'] ==  Tools::getValue('id_product'))
							$tmp += 2;
						if ($tmp >= 5 AND $tmp >= $score)
							$score = $tmp;
							$id_customer_thread = $row['id_customer_thread'];
				$old_message = Db::getInstance()->getValue('
					SELECT cm.message FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_message cm
					WHERE cm.id_customer_thread = '.(int)($id_customer_thread).'
					ORDER BY date_add DESC');
				if ($old_message == htmlentities($message, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'))
					self::$smarty->assign('alreadySent', 1);
					$contact->email = '';
					$contact->customer_service = 0;
				if (!empty($contact->email))
					if (Mail::Send((int)(self::$cookie->id_lang), 'contact', Mail::l('Message from contact form'), array('{email}' => $from, '{message}' => stripslashes($message)), $contact->email, $contact->name, $from, ((int)(self::$cookie->id_customer) ? $customer->firstname.' '.$customer->lastname : ''), $fileAttachment)
						AND Mail::Send((int)(self::$cookie->id_lang), 'contact_form', Mail::l('Your message has been correctly sent'), array('{message}' => stripslashes($message)), $from))
						self::$smarty->assign('confirmation', 1);
						$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while sending message.');

				if ($contact->customer_service)
					if ((int)$id_customer_thread)
						$ct = new CustomerThread($id_customer_thread);
						$ct->status = 'open';
						$ct->id_lang = (int)self::$cookie->id_lang;
						$ct->id_contact = (int)($id_contact);
						if ($id_order = (int)Tools::getValue('id_order'))
							$ct->id_order = $id_order;
						if ($id_product = (int)Tools::getValue('id_product'))
							$ct->id_product = $id_product;
						$ct = new CustomerThread();
						if (isset($customer->id))
							$ct->id_customer = (int)($customer->id);
						if ($id_order = (int)Tools::getValue('id_order'))
							$ct->id_order = $id_order;
						if ($id_product = (int)Tools::getValue('id_product'))
							$ct->id_product = $id_product;
						$ct->id_contact = (int)($id_contact);
						$ct->id_lang = (int)self::$cookie->id_lang;
						$ct->email = $from;
						$ct->status = 'open';
						$ct->token = Tools::passwdGen(12);

					if ($ct->id)
						$cm = new CustomerMessage();
						$cm->id_customer_thread = $ct->id;
						$cm->message = htmlentities($message, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
						if (isset($filename) AND rename($_FILES['fileUpload']['tmp_name'], _PS_MODULE_DIR_.'../upload/'.$filename))
							$cm->file_name = $filename;
						$cm->ip_address = ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
						$cm->user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
						if ($cm->add())
							if (empty($contact->email))
								Mail::Send((int)(self::$cookie->id_lang), 'contact_form', Mail::l('Your message has been correctly sent'), array('{message}' => stripslashes($message)), $from);
							self::$smarty->assign('confirmation', 1);
							$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while sending message.');
						$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while sending message.');
				if (count($this->errors) > 1)

i added there if condition to check antispam field value, if it is equal to 10 (2+8) then send messages.

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  On 5/20/2014 at 11:59 PM, hatak said:

nice and simple solution! (cheapest :P )


actually, we need to change 

if (Tools::isSubmit('submitMessage')



works fine in ps1.6



actually for 1.6, for  security reasons you need to leave the test for submitMessage so rather than remove that just add a new if right under it    so open up controllers/front/ContactController.php


(of course i changed mine from a math to a visual page questions asking what color is the submit button)

            if (Tools::isSubmit('submitMessage'))            
//anti spam mod just added new if statment is all
               if (Tools::getValue('antispam')=='green')  

then be sure to close it out down below and also add some error control

      $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('You did not answer the anti bot question correctly - must be lower case characters.');                                 
      }//close else getvalue antispam

right above this 




 public function setMedia()



and then back i the tpl file to add the question to the form  open up themes/your_theme_name/contact-form.tpl


and add

<!-- anti bot mod -->         
<p class="form-group"> <label for="antispam">{l s='What 
color is the send button below?'}</label> <input type="text" 
name="antispam" id="antispam" size="5" maxlength="6" 
value=""/> </p>
<!-- mod end -->

right above  div class="submit"


hope that helps.. ;)


Edited by durangodave (see edit history)
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