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two different carriers problem for sending two different products

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We have a shop where we sell different things. 

Now we have normal shipping and that is 7,- Euros but we also sell DVD's. One 1 dvd for 7,- euro shipping a lot of money. We have therefore created a new carrier with shipping cost 3, - euro, which is only for DVDs. 


But now comes the problem. If someone buys a DVD, the shipping is 3, - Euro. But someone buys a DVD and a T-shirt, then suddenly the system give the person who buys the product, you get 2 shipping.

One for 3, - EUR for DVD and one for 7, - Euro for the T-shirt. 


But i don't want this! If you buy 2 items, outside the DVDs, then it should just turn 7, - euro. Those 3, - euro's more he have to see that is one shipping together for 7,- euro and not a total from 10, - Euro shipping. That is what the system is doing now :(



So then a person buy a T-Shirt alone that is 7,- euro, will he buy with a DVD than it have to be 7,- euro and no 10,- euro what he is doing now. When he buy only a DVD it have to be 3,- euro. Is there a solution for this? Please help me.




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