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Guess what - my shopping cart doesn't work :)

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Hii guys


It's time for yet another question about the shopping cart.


Problem is that my cart is really flaky. Sometimes I have to refresh the page several times before either the adding or the removing of a product is registered.


Yes, I have checked the javascript console and no errors are registered.

Yes, I have activated the Ajax Cart mode.

No, the cart isn't hooked more than one place


Here's how my delete link looks:


In the cart:



On the OPC page:



Basically the cart works, it only takes it several tries to get there. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :)


Best wishes


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Yeah, thanks. But maybe it would be an idea if we just kept the communication in the thread. I can't be the only one with this problem. So, if you know of a solution, please share it for the benefit of all Prestashoppers and, by proxy, a pretty big chunk of the whole Human Kind  :D

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What, no ideas?  :(


As I wrote in my original post, the cart actually, kinda works. You just have to refresh the page several times, before the changes take action. In other words, it seems there's a significant lag between something happening on the page and the action being run through the server and returned to the user.


I.e. you remove something from your cart and all is well, until you refresh the page (or navigate to another page). Then the removed item appears back in your cart, only for the removal to take effect for good, when you either refresh the page or navigate to another page (sometimes several refreshes/navigations are needed).

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this often times is a result of underlying cache.  This cache can be something provided by your hosting, i.e. varnish cache for example...of possibly by internal ps cache.  are you running apc or other ps cache?


I'd give a ring to my hosting provider and tell them of your symptoms and see if there is an underlying cache running under your hosting plan.

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Yeah, yes I did. But it still has to be done manually by the webhost. I can only request to have it disabled through my control.

But to be honest. I'm looking at other options. Prestashop is turning out to be a lemon. There's way too many bugs and you spend your time 99% poking around in the code trying to keep your shop at a functional level and 1% actually running your shop (i.e. writing product texts, doing marketing etc.).

Guess you get what you pay for  ;)

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Yeah, yes I did. But it still has to be done manually by the webhost. I can only request to have it disabled through my control.

But to be honest. I'm looking at other options. Prestashop is turning out to be a lemon. There's way too many bugs and you spend your time 99% poking around in the code trying to keep your shop at a functional level and 1% actually running your shop (i.e. writing product texts, doing marketing etc.).

Guess you get what you pay for  ;)


I think many of these have same issues when there 'might' be an underlying hosting issue.  We have seen several issues with underlying cache creating issues, heck turn on file cache in back office for quirky results.  I think most hosting underlying cache is for blogs etc that are not as finicky as an ecommerce.  But there ain't no mola in a blog...nada...zilch...that is why I moved to a ecommerce because sometimes people will pay a little as opposed to assuming everything is 'free'...jajajaja


Personally being first adopter of new release (1.6) can be more challenging than using stable but the performance of 1.6 is better than 1.5.  so back up back up...and don't get stop working on shop while this is getting resolved, there is much to do.

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p.s. probably the best reason to use ps is it's by country capability.  It was born in Europe who had to deal with multiple countries, I don't think there is another 'non-custom' cms that has the features for by country like ps.

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Yeah I get your point. But the frustrating thing is that at the moment my shop is simply not functioning and that's a huge fly in the ointment. I can deal with problems and setbacks. I actually enjoy them to some extend, because not being challenged is boring. But after spending a month trawling through js-code and other stuff I have absolutely no knowledge about or interest in I can't help but start to feel worn down. The camel can only carry that many straws and with the latest issue (Prestashop just decided to stop allowing my carriers to work) I'm getting there.

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Yeah I get your point. But the frustrating thing is that at the moment my shop is simply not functioning and that's a huge fly in the ointment. I can deal with problems and setbacks. I actually enjoy them to some extend, because not being challenged is boring. But after spending a month trawling through js-code and other stuff I have absolutely no knowledge about or interest in I can't help but start to feel worn down. The camel can only carry that many straws and with the latest issue (Prestashop just decided to stop allowing my carriers to work) I'm getting there.



I hear your pain.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys

Just want to let you know the cache thing worked.

El Patron, you're The Man - thank you!


PS is a hobby for me, community members like you make it a pleasure.


Please make sure to visit the forum to share your knowledge with other community members.

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