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Cant send e-mails to customer from back office

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I receive messages from customers on order page (backoffice). When i try to respond and send to customer i receive the error bellow:

Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Bad parameters to mail() function, mail not sent. in /root/html/bikinishopbrasil/tools/swift/Swift/Plugin/MailSend.php on line 160

Prestashop version 1.2.5

Can someone help me?


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  • 3 weeks later...

in my case it was actually a language validation error. You see, Validate class does not recognize html special characters as tildes, quotes, etc. i solved by adding this in classes/Mail.php after line 29:

*-decode html special characters
$fromName = htmlspecialchars_decode($fromName,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8');
$toName = htmlspecialchars_decode($toName,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8');

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I'm sure I copied it right from the code. What's the error? maybe I can still help :D

PS: did you paste it before the "if" where it checks the message? cause another thing you can do is print all the validations on that "if" sentence and see wich one is returning false.

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  • 6 months later...

This worked for me:

I went to BO->Tools->Translation-> Back office translations -> clicked on flag -> searched within the AdminOrder group this “New message regarding your order”and I found out the spanish translation had an accent on the phrase. It did not like any special language chars on the Subject of the email such as ñ or áéíóú.


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