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Hi, i would like to add an extra field (text field) in the customer registration form just after the date of birth field. Please how can i do this and i would also like the field not to be a compulsory one such that even when the new field is not filled, the form is still submitted.


Thank you.

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What you could do is 'misuse' the Address2 field and use this for the additional text?  You can in translations change Address2 for 'Customtext' or so. Then in the registration tpl template, move Address2 to the right place


If you really need Address2 field:

Scan all the files for 'address2' and then everywhere where this is mentioned, add these files, add some Address3 (or "myCustomText" if you like that better) lines similar to the Address2 lines. This will add some extra line similar to the Address2 line and can then be used. Again, in the registration tpl file, move the custom input field to the correct location.


That's probably the easiest way. You will then of course also have to add a database column/field 'Address3' (or 'myCustomText') to the Address table.



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