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NEW Arrivals not always on the website (Dutch not)


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I have found a new problem.

See www.gaysandgadgets.com and when you have Dutch language you see on NIEUW BINNEN (New arrivals) NO products :(


When you go to English language and you go to New Arrivals, you see new arrivals.

How is this possible? Why i don't see them in Dutch and only in English?


Please help me.





PS: this is strange... When i CLEAR CACHE  (that i have to do everyday), the new arrivals on the Dutch language is online again. I have to do everyday again a new CLEAR CACHE or it is not working. Is it a little BUG?

Edited by HansNL (see edit history)
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No.. It is not in the webshop until i click on Clearing Cache and then you see the new arrivals.

So i have to go online every morning to click on Clearing Cache, if i don't do that, i see no new arrivals (in Dutch section).

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  On 4/22/2014 at 1:46 PM, vekia said:



you mean that after clearing cache products disappear again (from dutch section) ?


You can see it now op my website:


- www.gaysandgadgets.com

- www.underground-fetish.nl


Here you see that the NEW ARRIVALS, you can not click on them (the are already online in the picture)

But when i go Back Office to clear my cache, the NEW ARRIVALS will be show when you click on it.


I leave the site for now, so you can see what i mean!! Please see the sites and see what is the problem.

It is a problem in Dutch and in English!!


Thank you for looking and hoop you can help me.

Strange is that the BEST SELLERS (on Underground Fetish) you can click it?? Why that one and not New Arrivals?

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