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[SOLVED] add fancybox in product page

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I have this code added to ProductController.php:

protected function _assignIShipping()
$this->link_shipping = $this->context->link->getCMSLink('1', 'shipping');
if (!strpos($this->link_shipping, '?'))
$this->link_shipping .= '?content_only=1';
$this->link_shipping .= '&content_only=1';
'link_shipping' => $this->link_shipping
and then added to product.tpl:
<a href="{$link_shipping|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" class="iframe" rel="nofollow">Versandkosten</a>
but it says "The requested content cannot be loaded.
Please try again later."
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  • 3 weeks later...

I am wondering can I do the same but for adding an aditional html page loading in fancybox

besides products images on the product display page ?

Do you have maybe some commercial module @ your shop for acheiving this Vekia?


to clarify large  produc display on the left

below two or three product images and a last one link to the fancy box

I have a code for older PS versions but dont know how and where to implement it on the new PS 1.6

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I am wondering can I do the same but for adding an aditional html page loading in fancybox

besides products images on the product display page ?

module allows to use html code in popup.

if you want to add additional product image, it will be necessary to add it to to the product images,

then with jquery you will be able to add jquery action to this image to popup created popupblock.

its possible to achieve, but with little knowhow ;)






to clarify large  produc display on the left

below two or three product images and a last one link to the fancy box

I have a code for older PS versions but dont know how and where to implement it on the new PS 1.6

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  • 2 months later...


add class="iframe" to your link (<a class="iframe">)


+ add this script

script type="text/javascript">
		'type' : 'iframe',


This work perfectly on PrestaShop

Thanks :)

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  • 2 months later...
// File: product.tpl

// Line: 225 (depends on desired location)

// This code will display a translatable link that will display a fancybox popup.

// The content for this fancybox is a CMS page that is displayed as content-only.

// Change the CMS ID with the correct cms page.

// Change the width&height of the fancybox with javascript and the size of the cms page.


<!-- 108Bits -->

    {if !$logged}

     <p><a href="{$link->getCMSLink('8')}?content_only=1" class="iframe" rel="nofollow">

     {l s='Shipping Terms'}</a></p>


<!-- END 108Bits -->


// Add this at the end of the file (after {/if} )

<script type="text/javascript">


        'type' : 'iframe',





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  • 1 month later...



I want to open  a popup (iframe fancybox) when I click on the HTML content at the top on either of the images. I'm using PS


I've tried to add the class iframe to the hook.tpl file in /modules/themeconfigurator/views/templates/hook/hook.tpl and added the script at the end but with no luck. ANyone has any suggestions?

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{if isset($htmlitems) && $htmlitems}
<div id="htmlcontent_{$hook|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">
	<ul class="htmlcontent-home clearfix row">
		{foreach name=items from=$htmlitems item=hItem}
			{if $hook == 'left' || $hook == 'right'}
				<li class="htmlcontent-item-{$smarty.foreach.items.iteration|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} col-xs-12">
				<li class="htmlcontent-item-{$smarty.foreach.items.iteration|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} col-xs-4">
					{if $hItem.url}
						<a href="{$hItem.url|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" class="item-link iframe"{if $hItem.target == 1} onclick="return !window.open(this.href);"{/if} title="{$hItem.title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">
						{if $hItem.image}
							<img src="{$link->getMediaLink("`$module_dir`img/`$hItem.image`")}" class="item-img iframe {if $hook == 'left' || $hook == 'right'}img-responsive{/if}" title="{$hItem.title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" alt="{$hItem.title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" width="{if $hItem.image_w}{$hItem.image_w|intval}{else}100%{/if}" height="{if $hItem.image_h}{$hItem.image_h|intval}{else}100%{/if}"/>
						{if $hItem.title && $hItem.title_use == 1}
							<h3 class="item-title">{$hItem.title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</h3>
						{if $hItem.html}
							<div class="item-html">
								{$hItem.html} <i class="icon-double-angle-right"></i>
					{if $hItem.url}
<script type="text/javascript">
		'type' : 'iframe',




Edited by misu3108 (see edit history)
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