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[MODUL] askinfoproduct.v0.3 - updated


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acest modul este similar ca idee cu "interestedinproduct", am modificat in schimb pozitionarea, si mici modificari la mesaj.
rog pe cineva sa testeze acest modul , si sa trimita un mesaj test.

dupa instalare mai trebuie sa:
1. mutati fisierul askinfoproduct-form.php in directorul de baza
2. editati fisierul askinfoproduct.php si puneti adresa dvs de email in locul [email protected]

if (!Mail::Send(intval($cookie->id_lang), 'askinfoproduct', $subject, $templateVars, '[email protected]', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, dirname(__FILE__).'/mails/'))

o sa incerc sa adaug adresa de email ca parametru la modul in BO, si sa elimin mutarea fisierului de la pasul 1.

compatibil PS 1.2.4


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askinfoproduct v0.3

dupa instalarea normala a modulului intrati in BO si configurati modulul utilizand adresa de email unde doriti sa primiti mesaje.

install notes:
after normal instalation, go to into BO and configure module with email address where you want to receive notify.
for other languages besides English French Romanian you must to add a new folder in modules/askinfoproduct/mails/ and copy there files from EN, then translate files using your editor.


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Cool ...
i'm waiting for your solution and come back to you after

Please translate files from modules/askinfoproduct/mails/fr then upload here, so I can update my module with french version.
Also test module and feedback me your conclusion. Don't forgot to uninstall and delete previous version !!

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  • 2 weeks later...

foarte folositor modulul cel putin eu aveam mare nevoie de el.

vroiam sa fie mai jos un pic dar nu foarte mult ca parca e prea lipit de add to cart. orice modificare pe care am facut-o eu in css modifica si locul altor module. am cercetat cu firebug dar nu imi arata clar unde anume sa modific sau mai bine zis nu stiu eu sa ma uit.

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ti-am trimis un pm ca sa vb pe mess. sa nu lungim discutia.
intra la tine in tema pe fisierul product.tpl si cauta codul asta asta

           <input name="Submit" value="Add to cart" type="submit">
ceva cu product actions aici...                    

si schimba asa

           <input name="Submit" value="Add to cart" type="submit">  
ceva cu product actions aici...                    

si pune modificarea aia din global.css de care ti-amzis mai sus.
astept sa vad rezultatul

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I found a bug in the module:

when I click "Request Info" on the product page, the links of the PHP files in my ROOT website folder become wrong. (CMS links do not have a problem)

For example,

before I click request info, I have for the contact us link:
http://www.website.com/live/test/contact-form.php (NO ERROR)

After I click request info, my contact us link becomes:
http://www.website.com/live/test/modules/askinfoproduct/contact-form.php (ERROR 404)

same problem with: http://www.website.com/live/test/modules/askinfoproduct/new-products.php and /prices-drop.php

I think the mistake is in the file product_page.tpl


{l s='Ask info' mod='askinfoproduct'}


{l s='Request info' mod='askinfoproduct'}

I tried it but it's not working with me. I installed another module called "productquestion" and it's not doing this error:

Can you please look into this error?
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  • 2 weeks later...
I found a bug in the module:

when I click "Request Info" on the product page, the links of the PHP files in my ROOT website folder become wrong. (CMS links do not have a problem)

For example,

before I click request info, I have for the contact us link:
http://www.website.com/live/test/contact-form.php (NO ERROR)

After I click request info, my contact us link becomes:
http://www.website.com/live/test/modules/askinfoproduct/contact-form.php (ERROR 404)

same problem with: http://www.website.com/live/test/modules/askinfoproduct/new-products.php and /prices-drop.php

I think the mistake is in the file product_page.tpl


{l s='Ask info' mod='askinfoproduct'}


{l s='Request info' mod='askinfoproduct'}

I tried it but it's not working with me. I installed another module called "productquestion" and it's not doing this error:

Can you please look into this error?

have you download last version from here http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewreply/192825/ ???
your error appear in anterior versions ... pls update module
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  • 1 year later...

Mai ramane sa ni se scrie si in chineza. Adica noi peste tot le scriem la sectiunile lor in limba in care ei au postat si aici vad ca se respecta regulile de nu se mai poate....chiar asa ne calca toti in picioare ?

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