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[SOLVED] Image background 1.6


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I am trying to upload a background image to my front office, but I cant get it to work.


All I can see is my image 3 CM in the bottom.


I inserted this code in Global.css;


body {
  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  font-size: 13px;
  line-height: 1.42857;
  color: #777777;
  background: #FFF url('../img/bakgrunn.jpg')!important;


Please help me someone, www.northshop.no

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Okay, I understand. I will make a new background to this upgrade, no problem.


But from "shoppingcart" and up, it was white. 

My background didn't cover the whole site.


I hope it can be resolved.


Thanks Vekia!

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Oh wow, that image is too big.

I used the same image in PS 1.5, but now it is too big.


For the perfect fit for 1.6, how big can my background image be, to be absolutely perfect?


And about this header, please give me information in how I remove header and footer.



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Okay, then I will add full background without customization, and let you add the white areas.


But one thing, how can I remove the header (the white that goes on the side) I just want it to be white in the middle, from top to bottom, and remove footer and header.

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Okay, so now I am a step closer thanks to Vekia! 


My whole shop is too optimized, so I had to zoom out 50% with my Google Chrome to see better.


As you can see, the footer is gone, wich is great!


Look at the attachment.




1) I need the white spot, and the black header to dissapear.


2) I need to fill inside of the marker with white color.



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use this code somewhere in you stylesheet file

.header-container, header, .columns-container {background:none!important;}
body {background: #FFF url('http://northshop.no/themes/default-bootstrap/img/bakgrunn.jpg')!important;}
#columns {background:white;}


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Oh, I forgot to mention that I want everything in the middle coloured white.


See attachment




1) The white marks on each side deleted.


2) The Black header deleted, but where does account login end up?


3) Fill the inside of the blue mark, with white color.


I really hope this can be done, because I had it in 1.5


Thanks Vekia!

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use this code:

.header-container, header, .columns-container {background:none!important;}
body {background: #FFF url('http://northshop.no/themes/default-bootstrap/img/bakgrunn.jpg')!important;}
.container, #columns {background:white;}
.container {margin-bottom:-15px!important; padding-top:15px;}
.nav {display:none;}


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yes login sign disappeared because we removed top navbar :)

where you want to display login ? 


Okay, I understand.


You can see attachment of where I want it, if possible.




As you can see, I have a lot to do with Left/Right columns, bit U may believe I can handle it on my own.


Thanks Vekia!

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go to modules > postiions

click on green translant button and try to transplant module: blockuserinfo to dispalyTop hook


If I am doing it right, I get this error:


"This module has already been transplanted to this hook."



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thank you for clarification :)


open this file:




and paste there this code:

<!-- Block user information module NAV  -->
{if $is_logged}
	<div class="header_user_info">
		<a href="{$link->getPageLink('my-account', true)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='View my customer account' mod='blockuserinfo'}" class="account" rel="nofollow"><span>{$cookie->customer_firstname} {$cookie->customer_lastname}</span></a>
<div class="header_user_info">
	{if $is_logged}
		<a class="logout" href="{$link->getPageLink('index', true, NULL, "mylogout")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" rel="nofollow" title="{l s='Log me out' mod='blockuserinfo'}">
			{l s='Sign out' mod='blockuserinfo'}
		<a class="login" href="{$link->getPageLink('my-account', true)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" rel="nofollow" title="{l s='Login to your customer account' mod='blockuserinfo'}">
			{l s='Sign in' mod='blockuserinfo'}
<!-- /Block usmodule NAV -->
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Perfect, a 'Login' button! 


Look at the attachment, as you can see the button is completely white and hard to locate.


On the other hand, is it possible to move the Login button few inches to left, so it's not outside the white line?




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jut use somewhere in global.css code:

.header_user_info .login {
  background:black; margin-right:15px;

I pasted it here;


.header-container, header, .columns-container {background:none!important;}
body {background: #FFF url('http://northshop.no/themes/default-bootstrap/img/bakgrunn.jpg')!important;}
.container, #columns {background:white;}
.container {margin-bottom:-15px!important; padding-top:15px;}
.nav {display:none;}
.header_user_info .login {
  background:black; margin-right:15px;
But still no results. 
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refresh your website with: ctrl+f5

i see changes





The 'Sign in' button is now active, I can see and press it.


But once a login happens, 'Sign out' and accountname is invisible.



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