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Navigation block visible in sidebar left on home

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prestashop doesnt allow to use top horizontal menu in one of the columns. You can only disable this module (blocktopmenu) then horizontal bar will disappear from top section.


if you want to create a shop menu in one of the columns - you can for example use block categories module to display categories.

but before you will do this, you have to enable left column, because by default it isn't available everywhere in the shop.


enable it everywhere, not only on product page (as i show below) - the way is the same, just tick it for each available place

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Great, thank you!

There is another question for default template v1.6: my shop will be in German. I have still some words (like Categories title or «Add to cart» or «03. Address» or «05. Payment», «Send to a friend» and more...) that are still in English. Where do I have to make the translation for them? Do I have to adjust them in the theme > default-bootstrap > tpl-files? There you write not to edit these files...



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you can manage translations in back office.

go to localization > translations tab in your back office


from first dropdown select a part of shop that you want to translate,

from second select your theme, then select language.


afther that you will see form with fields to translate - you can find there field to translate (ctrl+f)

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Thank you, that helped a lot! 


I have some questions on Prestashop v1.6, default template:

- can I put a text module as first content? the text-editor module cannot be there...

- where do I change the layout/alignment/font of submenus?

- where do I have to change colors, fonts etc? global.css file or is there a better place?

- how do I set a unique color to a specific menu?



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- can I put a text module as first content? the text-editor module cannot be there...

as first content where?





- where do I change the layout/alignment/font of submenus?

you can change top menu styles in file: superfish-modified.css located in theme / your theme / css / modules / blocktopmenu directory.





where do I have to change colors, fonts etc? global.css file or is there a better place?

everything depends on a part of shop that you want to change






how do I set a unique color to a specific menu?


at the moment it's not possible without modification of module php file.




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