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PrestaNotify breaks SSL pages

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I purchased the PrestaNotify box popup module. It uses rich HTML edit box to add text/images to show.


But, when a user visits a secure page such as my-account or login, the SSL shows as unsecured.


This is because the module has added this to the page:


<div class="hidden">
<div id="prestanotify"><a href="login"><img src="http://mysite.com.au/img/cms/become a member message_small.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="323" /></a></div>
The reason for the HTTP is that the rich edit field for creating the box automatically is setting the http when I insert the image. If I edit the img src and remove the http://mysite.com.au and leave the relative url it works perfectly.
I'm worried that the client using the website will forget that step and break the SSL in the future.
Is this a bug with prestanotify, or a bug with the rich edit not realizing it should use a relative url.
Anyone got a nice neat way to resolve this?
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it's a problem related to rich text editor - but it can be solved with modifier |replace.

for example, in module .tpl file there, where the popup variable appears add this modifier. For example i used $popup variable:



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I have resolved it by edit the /js/tinymce.inc.js


And force converting urls to be relative in all rich editors.

                relative_urls : true,
                convert_urls: true,

Thanks a lot!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually, that didn't fully work. It broke images on pages that were not at the top level of the domain becausse it would change http:mysite.com/img/p/abc.png to img/p/abc.png which is wrong for a page like mysite.com/cms/info.php


The new fix I have is re-write the domain part to be top of the file system:


                relative_urls : false,
                convert_urls: true,
                document_base_url: '/',
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  • 2 months later...



I Found the solution without modify anything in the presta files.


enable ssl and force the ssl on all pages but uncheck html purifier library (very important). you could enable it after insert the image.


then go on CMS (exemple: about us) the image who's already there when you install prestashop work well even in ssl so you have to copy how they wrote the code. 


<img title="cms-img" src="../img/cms/cms-img.jpg" alt="cms-img" width="370" height="192" />


replace by your name image 


<img title="your name image" src="../img/cms/your name image.jpg" alt="your name image" width="370" height="192" />


write this way on the little popup window [insert/edit image] right after uploaded and chose the image from your file manager.


 source             ../img/cms/your name image.jpg

 image description   ....

 dimensions             ...


Save it and go to enable the html filter purifier if you done to put new images.

Now it should work. your image is here and your page is still SSL.


ps: you'll have to disable html purifier library every time you need to add a new picture from your file manager otherwise it will appear this famous question mark instead of the image and your page won't be SSL


It tooks 2weeks to found that, I hope you'll appreciate this post. That's the most annoying bug on prestashop, I don't even know why the Presta team didn't fix that so far!!!!????



I still have a problem with the homeslider who's disappear when running on Safari, need to refresh the page every time I come back on the home page!!! if somebody have the Solution I'll appreciate to know it ;) thanks



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  • 1 month later...

I don't know if this is solved in your view or not.  But the answer is a simple change to the way the img is being seen as.  Meaning the url for the image is seen as:

<img title="promo" src="http://url.com/img/cms/myimage.jpg" alt="Promo" width="500" height="300" />  this is in html editor mode

you need to change the http to https and you won't have the security warning.

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