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How to wite into DB from an added field in product-address.tpl?


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I've read this topic but it seems not to work in PS


First of all I've added a column (text) to ps_message table in the database.



Then in order-address.tpl I've added the following line 

<p class="textarea"><textarea cols="60" rows="3" name="campo_custom"></textarea></p> 

right after the text area for customer message:

<p class="textarea"><textarea cols="60" rows="3" name="message">{if isset($oldMessage)}{$oldMessage}{/if}</textarea></p>


In class/Message.php I've changed the INSERT INTO statement this way:

INSERT INTO '._DB_PREFIX_.'message_readed (id_message , id_employee , date_add, campo_custom) VALUES 
			('.(int)$id_message.', '.(int)$id_employee.', NOW(),'.$campo_custom.'); 

I've added the following line to public static $definition = array
(that can be found at about #58) (maybe the TYPE_STRING or its length could be not so good for my needs... but please note that I have to add 4 new fields and this is a test... I guess they will be INPUT TEXT)

'campo_custom' => 	array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'validate' => 'isCampoCustom', 'size' => 600),

and I've declared this: 

public $campo_custom;

in Validate.php I've added this:

public static function isCampoCustom($campo_custom)
		return !preg_match('/[<>{}]/i', $campo_custom);

My campo_custom is still empty.
At the beginning (right before the code I've posted here) campo_custom used to stay "NULL" but after some managing it appears void but not null....

Any suggestion?


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