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New to PrestaShop: few questions

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greetings all. I'm new to PrestaShop and I'm setting up a shop and have a few questions. The storefront is fully functional...just need to tweak some things that I haven't found answers for:


CUSTOMER REGISTRATION FIELDS: i have B2B features turned on, so I see APE and SIRET (neither of which apply to us). I DO need to be able collect a local (state) license number when they register. Right now, I was going to have them put it into the Additional Info field. That kinda works, but kinda doesn't. Ultimately, I need that license number to appear on their invoice. So, my questions:


- can I easily re-purpose one of the unused fields (SIRET or APE or WEBSITE) meaning can I change the field name or at least can I change the DISPLAY name (instead of saying SIRET or APE or WEBSITE on the registration forms and customer info pages, it'll say License or something)?


I do believe that trying to use APE or SIRET is going to require a change to the field format because if I try to enter something like "FL LIC 2323-F" into either field in the customer admin, it fails (says field is invalid). Obviously, somewhere the field validation would need to be changed along with the field format in the DB. However the WEBSITE field seems to be a free text field that could work.


Is there a way to change the DISPLAY NAME for "WEBSITE" in the customer registration forms and in the customer admin screens?


The second part of this issue is that I need that data to be displayed on every invoice for the customer. I would again need it to say "License" instead of WEBSITE but right not, the invoice doesn't display website, so I'd have to add that to the form generator that creates the Invoice.


NEXT: we need to have different pricing depending on which state the user is in. The way we are doing it now is creating user groups per state, manually assigning a user to their correct state after they register, then creating group-specific pricing per product. It's an OK solution, but I'd like to be able to streamline it one of a few possible ways:


- can a user chose their "group" when registering or even better yet, can a group assignment be done automatically based on the user's state selection on his registration form?


- We have it set to require registration to order product. Is there a setting somewhere that requires a user's account to be "approved" before they can place an order?


Thanks TONS for any suggestions that may help.

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