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Orders from eBay Updated in my store Multiple times


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I'm using Prestashop eBay module (v 1.6.4).

Orders receiving from eBay are duplicated more than 4 times (for a single order).A single eBay order updated with different order id for every 30 minutes in my shop.But some of the orders were updated only one time (Perfect).


I could not able to find the problem.

Please suggest me how to solve this issue.


Thank you in advance.


Prestashop V1.5.6.1

eBay V 1.6.4

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Any one help me. When eBay order synchronize some of the orders were not getting updated the full details. Some time that order payment details not inserting. Some times the ordered products are not fully update to the orders table. If the order have 5 item but only 2 or 3 update to the order. Some times the shipping cost not applied. Some time all the details update but in eBay orders table the generated order id not stored. That’s why the orders are getting duplicate.


Any one guide me how to fix the issue.


Thank you

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hello everyone. I don't know if will be useful but i solved after a month of testing. In my case i fixed in this way:


I discovered and fixed (in a strange way) the problem.
1°) in the table ebay_order the value id_order is not filled during the INSERT and return an ERROR (no default value present)
2) in the table ebay_order_log ther the value date_update in set as NOT NULL and give an error. I add in the file ebatorderlog.php the line $this->date_update = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); under the line $this->date_add = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
3) the table ebay_order_errors is not present and is not created with the script sql-install.php
Prestashop v1.6 - plugin e bay 1.11
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