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Auto Update Cart When Quantity Changes

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Hi, I was just testing out the shopping cart on my site and realised that the cart does not update to remove items that have been sold (checked out by another customer).


For example, STAR BAG has a quantity of 2. Shopper A and B adds 1 and 2 STAR BAG to their carts respectively but shopper A completes her checkout first. After a while, when Shopper B returns to the website, 2 STAR BAGs are still in her cart and tries to check them out, only to receive the message "An item in your cart is no longer available. You cannot proceed with your order." when in fact, there is still one more STAR BAG available.


I am not too sure if it is a Prestashop thing or if it can be configured but I was hoping if anyone can help me out on some workabouts on this issue:


1) Auto-updating carts to remove sold out items or to reduce the quantity of item to reflect the amount that is available




Updating the cart when customer reviews her/his cart on refresh of the shopping cart page/entering the shopping cart page. So if STAR BAG is out of stock, there will be an error message beneath the STAR BAG item that says "Item in no longer available" or something like that.


2) Currently, the error message is "An item in your cart is no longer available. You cannot proceed with your order." Is it possible to be able to include the item name (or item name and quantity available if it is not totally sold out) in the error message. It would be terrible if the shopper had 10 items in the cart and not know what was the one that was sold out.


Thanks in advance.

Edited by shubbing (see edit history)
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