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New to presta, new to smarty


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I decided to take a look at how things work in the basic theme. and I decided to checkout the homeslider to start.


I am looking at homeslider.tpl and the first thing I see is that it checks to see if the variable$ homeslider_slides isset. 


That's fine and all. but I can't seem to find the variable homeslider_slides in any php files. Or in any of the other files for that matter. 


Where is it defined?


I then decided to just checkout index.tpl and I see $HOOK_HOME_TAB_CONTENT


Another variable I can't find defined anywhere. 


So clearly I am the fool here. But I still don't understand smarty nearly at all. 


Thanks for some help!

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I suggest you to use an IDE like Eclipse so you have all the prestashop shop in one project


That way you can search inside the entire project, and filter by file types..etc


So for example searching I've found that


modules\homeslider\homeslider.php in line 644 (ps1562)

$this->smarty->assign('homeslider_slides', $slides);
$this->smarty->assign('homeslider', $slider);

In index.tpl I have {$HOOK_HOME} which is fulfilled in controllers\front\IndexController.php

class IndexControllerCore extends FrontController
	public $php_self = 'index';

	 * Assign template vars related to page content
	 * @see FrontController::initContent()
	public function initContent()

		$this->context->smarty->assign('HOOK_HOME', Hook::exec('displayHome'));
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