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I am trying to change the style of how my products appear on my product list. Right now the design isn't what I am going for. My site is http://tinyurl.com/lph6sm3  Check out the products page and you will see that when you hover over a product it shows the background transitions darker (which I like), however, the add to cart button is there and needs to be deleted. How do I properly delete the Add to cart button off the product list?


The view button I'd like in the top right corner and appear when the mouse hovers over the product. Also I'd like the borders to appear darker (like I have now, but just the borders) for the transition.


Below: My products, shown with no hover effect. (Go to site to view current hover effect)



Below: Showing the effect I'm looking for when hovering over the product. I'd like the border gray  and fade darker and the view button to appear, with the entire product area click-able to view product details. (IF you can help with any aspects of this please let me know!!) Thanks!


Edited by generalexperts (see edit history)
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To remove "Add to cart"

add in 


#product_list li .ajax_add_to_cart_button

display: none;



The images You attached are the same so hard to imagine what effect You want to achieve.



Position of View button:


#product_list li .viewbutton


bottom: ...px;  - is Your position from bottom

Edited by tmk (see edit history)
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This is the simplest way, another is removing or commenting code generating this link:


<a class="cartbutton button ajax_add_to_cart_button exclusive" href="http://www.savvymaf47506b9fa8073eb12dd3687b50d" rel="ajax_id_product_15" title="Add to cart">ev


you should find in product-list.tpl of Your template


Which one is more appropriate is up to You.



Also in this file You find code generating 

<div class="viewbutton">

and the link inside which is the view button

You could figure out how to make this div a link




You could try achieve similar effect changing in:


#product_list .button


height: 22px; to 220px

Edited by tmk (see edit history)
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